Improving Competitiveness in Organizations
Business Management 3230
Spring Semester 2013
S1: We/Fr 12:45 - 2:05 pm
S2: We/Fr 2:20 – 3:40 PM
Schoenbaum Hall 330
PHONE: 614 292-4605
E-MAIL: Boyer_9@fisher.osu.edu
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesdays 10 – 11 AM or by appt.
Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains, 10/E: Krajewski, Ritzman & Malhotra, 3 options: 1. Hardbound text (ISBN 9780132807395) 2. Binder-ready text (ISBN 9780132807470) 3. Electronic text (ISBN 9780132807463)
Learning to See: Rother and Shook, The Lean Enterprise Institute, (ISBN 0-9667843-0-8).
Book available through the OSU bookstore; must ask an associate for a copy.
Many firms have demonstrated that operations management can be an effective competitive weapon. In conjunction with well-conceived marketing and financial plans, these firms have made major penetrations into markets worldwide. This course is designed to address the key operations issues in service and manufacturing organizations that have strategic as well as tactical implications. The specific objectives include:
1. To understand the role of operations management in the overall business strategy of a firm.
2. To understand the interdependence of the operating system with other key functional areas of a firm.
3. To help managers in all functional areas better control their operational processes.
4. To identify and evaluate the key factors and the