Characters: Dorothea Brooke-Tertius Lydgate- Edward Casaubon- Mary Garth- Mr. Arthur Brooke- Celia Brooke- Sir James Chettam- Rosamond Vincy- Fred Vincy- Will Ladislaw- John Raffles.
Setting: In a small town in Europe and some parts in London, like in XIX (1800).
Type of reading: Novel, drama.
Dorothea Brooke: She’s a beautiful, really pale, clever, good, kind, lovely, independent and confident woman; she always tries her best for making good in the world.
Celia Brooke: Celia is really pretty, more sensible than her sister Dorothea, she marries Sir James Chettam.
Sir James Chattam: Is a rich landowner,a baronet, owns a estate called Freshitt, he courts Dorothea, but she chooses to marry Casaubon, so he marries her sister.
Arthur Brooke: He’s Dorothea’s and Celia’s uncle and his interested in politics.
Edward Casaubon: He’s a really cold person, insecure, with fears and jealous and is Dorothea's middle-aged husband, is a writer and always works to finish his project "The Key to All Mythologies".
Will Ladislaw: He’s a good-looking young man, intelligent, proud, a rebel and is cousin of Mr. Casaubon.
Tertius Lydgate: Is a Young man of about 30, of good family, he is a new doctor in Middlemarch with new ideas of medicine, wants to innovate and improve, he falls in love with Rosamond and marries her.
Rosamond Vincy: She’s the most beautiful girl in Middle march, has got dark blue eyes and fair hair, she thinks only in herself, is selfish, vain,silly, loves and always has to have the best things.
Fred Vincy: He’s Vincys' only son, he is very irresponsible and in love with Mary Garth, she works for Mr. Featherstone until his death.
Nicholas Bulstrode: Is a rich banker, married to Walter Vincy's sister, Harriot Bulstrode, he married Will Ladislaw's grandmother and had a daughter Sarah Dunkirk, that ran away, he has a dark past: he made many money by selling stolen goods.
John Raffles: