Retail Fish Marketing Management
Dr. Sharmishtha Matkar Associate Professor, Fergusson college, Pune – 4 Anil K. Jadhao M. A. (Economics) Fergusson college, Pune – 4
Abstract: In this article, the researchers have made an attempt to probe deeper into the marketing management of fish in India with reference to Pune district fish market. India is the second largest producer of fish in the world after China, contributing to 5.5 percent of global fish production1. The total fish production achieved during 2010-11 is at 8.3 metric million tonnes with a contribution of 4.32 million metric tonnes from inland sector and 3.98 million metric tonnes from marine sector respectively2. Harvesting and marketing of fish provides enormous employment opportunities3. The post harvest operations of fish, provides more employment to labour than the production sector4. In India about 14.5 million people were involved in fisheries sector (Indian livestock census 2003). Foreign exchange earnings were to the tune of Rs.129 billion (2010-11) from the fisheries export5. Annual growth rate of this sector over 4.5 percent per year6. The contribution of this sector to the GDP is about 0.75 percent and share to Agricultural GDP is about 4.56 percent7. Large number of intermediaries is involved before fish reaches the hands of ultimate consumer. The pricing efficiency is concerned with improving the operation of buying, selling and other connected aspects of marketing process so that is will remain responsive to consumer behaviour. Modern fish marketing policy should envisage not only meeting the existing demand for fish but also tapping the potential demand. There is a relationship between the marketing margin of fish and the velocity of the sale of fish. Survey work was undertaken at Bhigwan (Indapur Tahsil) and Pune retailing markets, interviews were taken of the intermediaries from purchase of fish from Mumbai landing centre to the consumer markets with the background of
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