While already touching on long-term self-interest and government requirements there are still a few ethical principles relevant to your proposal of the current situation of Retrograde. Firing a full-time employee solely to decrease costs will go against the ethical practice of utilitarian benefits. Author Chuck Williams defines the principle as stating “you should never take an action that does not result in greater good for society” (Williams, 2016, pg 76). In other words, the final action a business takes must thoughtfully create the best situations for all parties involved. With your decision to take a full-timers position away in exchange for your …show more content…
A business is a community of people all striving for a common goal, who collaborate and share ideas with one another and over time become a cohesive and effective unit of people. The ethical principle described as "never taking any action that is not kind and that does not build a sense of community" (Williams, 2016, pg 75). In our terms, this means one should never harm the cohesion and contentedness of a group of people, in the case the current employees of Retrograde. We feel as if the firing of the full-time employee will gouge the unity and cohesiveness of the company by removing the highly trained coworker of the other full-timer and replacing him with part-timers ultimately impacting the remaining full-timer's positive feelings along with the business' overall efficiency with this new work