Return to Federalism
Push Back Against the Expansion of Federal Government Power
"In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." - Thomas Jefferson
Over the past several decades, we as a people have allowed the fundamental principles written in our Constitution to be forgotten, distorted, or completely ignored. This did not happen overnight but rather bit-by-bit over time until we are faced with a system of government that is not, as the founders intended, based on Federalism and individual freedom, but rather a National system far removed from the principles for which these men dedicated their lives, fortunes, and honor. Over the years, we have allowed the government to do more for us, and politicians have been more than happy to say yes. With no regard for our constitution, politicians have expanded the power to the federal government in order to take care of us. All the government asks for in return is a little piece of our individual liberty. As a consequence, our government of limited powers has evolved into a central government that seeks to control nearly every aspect of our lives. Through potentially unconstitutional legislation and burdensome regulation, our current federal government is over reaching into our economy, banking, energy, education, environment, immigration policy, manufacturing, labor, and let’s not forget health care. Fortunately, people have begun to recognize that the current system would be unrecognizable to our founders. Individuals and states are pushing back and Federalism is poised to make a come back. A growing number of people want to return to a government of limited powers, and an arrangement in which states serve as a check when the federal government oversteps the boundaries of the constitution. Today, more than half of our United States are parties to
Cited: Abraham, Spencer. “The case for legal reform.” Imprimis Hillsdale College Newspaper., Web. September 2007. Erler, J Edward. “The Constitution and limited government.” National Leadership Seminar. Print. September, 2011. Archibold, C. Randal. “Arizona Enacts Stringent Law on Immigration.” New York Times Magazine. Print. April 2010. Madison, James. “Federalist 39.” The Federalist Papers.