Reusable plastic factories often don’t perceive to satisfy the need of the ultimate customer and they don’t research for evaluating the problems of the customers. This industry spends a very little amount on the promotion and it doesn’t use reusability process as equipment for promoting their products. They place their products well and provide the products in the bulk to all the cities and towns of Pakistan. They have well-established network of distributions. In fact, this industry war on the price to each other to attain the maximum share in the market. They often low the prices of products to compete their rivals but sometimes if some one makes the innovation then he enjoys the highest shares in the market.
Government should take the steps to which provide the lower taxation and relaxation to the plastic product manufacturers, in order to attain all the factories registered. Companies should then adopt the more sophisticated techniques to promote their products and also should spend money on the research and development. This industry is anxiously waiting for the WTO 2005 and they anticipate that they would market their products well at low tax payment. They take it as positive competition in this region.
“It is a total system of business activities designed to plan, price, promote and distribute want satisfying products to target markets in order to achieve organizational objectives.”
“Marketing is a delivery of the customer satisfaction at a profit.”
“Marketing is typically seen as the task of creating, promoting and delivering goods and services to consumers and businesses.”