
Revenge And Vengeance In Hamlet By William Shakespeare

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Revenge And Vengeance In Hamlet By William Shakespeare
What is revenge and why do we seek it ? In Shakespeare Hamlet revenge triggers the characters to act blindly and be driven by their emotions. Driven by their madness and plotting to avenge the death of their fathers , Laertes and Hamlet forgot to reason with themselves. Shakespeare uses revenge as major part in the play. Within the play few people want revenge on the someone else. Hamlet seeks revenge on the current king of Denmark,his uncle,who has killed Hamlet’s father. For Claudius to take the throne and marry Queen Gertrude, the king must die. When Hamlet tries avenge his father by killing his uncle , he kills Polonius , the father of Laertes. Due to this revenge is seeking on Hamlet. Considering both Laertes and Hamlet our out on avenge the death of their fathers’. Now we are presented with two alternate ways of dealing with the same situation. How should they go about plotting their revenge. Impulsive , madness and angry describe the actions taken during the play for avenge and how they trigger important reactions from the characters. Dealing with the loss of their father , there can be …show more content…
What if Hamlet were to slow down and think in the beginning of the play would Laertes’s father be dead. In addition to this we can say that Hamlet’s attitude towards revenge changes in the play. The delay in his act of revenge for his father. There are two ways we can look at it. He has a desire to validate the ghost or his just procrastinating and this comes from overanalyzing the situation. After all you can say his actions towards the of his father unfolds slowly. In fact, Hamlet spends majority of his time trying to determine his uncle's guilt. With this madness is begin fake so he can act in secrecy to see if the ghost claims are true. His madness leads him to plan a way for him to see if the uncle is guilty and claims are

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