While these two repeatedly hunt each other for revenge, they differ than the Christian way to just "turn the other cheek". Yet it is revenge in the end that gives Frankenstein and the monster a link to the place they are tearing down for themselves. Revenge all starts by one little thing. Just by neglecting his life form he created, made a disastrous revenge that soon became an endless nightmare. The only person that Frankenstein had to blame was his own self. It was his fault that his sister was murdered, his fault that his father died, and his fault he was killed. All these chains of events lead to him. After all the torturous events that had happened he can't take it anymore. "I had been the author of unalterable evils; and I live in daily fear, lest the monster whom I had made should perpetrate some new wickedness." The last result was Victor's own death. But before his own death he said to a close friend Walton, "Learn from me . . . how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge, and how much happier that man is who believes his own town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow." Victor did get his revenge. Though, it cost him the most vital thing a man can have, his life. After looking at the outcome of making the creature, it is clear that it was a damaging choice Victor made. For Elizabeth who ended up dying a horrible death due to the
While these two repeatedly hunt each other for revenge, they differ than the Christian way to just "turn the other cheek". Yet it is revenge in the end that gives Frankenstein and the monster a link to the place they are tearing down for themselves. Revenge all starts by one little thing. Just by neglecting his life form he created, made a disastrous revenge that soon became an endless nightmare. The only person that Frankenstein had to blame was his own self. It was his fault that his sister was murdered, his fault that his father died, and his fault he was killed. All these chains of events lead to him. After all the torturous events that had happened he can't take it anymore. "I had been the author of unalterable evils; and I live in daily fear, lest the monster whom I had made should perpetrate some new wickedness." The last result was Victor's own death. But before his own death he said to a close friend Walton, "Learn from me . . . how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge, and how much happier that man is who believes his own town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow." Victor did get his revenge. Though, it cost him the most vital thing a man can have, his life. After looking at the outcome of making the creature, it is clear that it was a damaging choice Victor made. For Elizabeth who ended up dying a horrible death due to the