Human Resource Management- Policies, practices, and systems that influence employee attitudes and performance
Organizational Behavior- The study of individuals and groups in organizations and how their attitudes and behaviors affect organizational performance.
Put simply: if you have the best HRM and OB practices in your industry, you will have the best people in your industry
Nnumber of observation
Rcorrelation coefficient
R^2Percent of variance explained
Does HRM and OB Matter? Two ways of framing the debate:
-Case studies of successful companies- look at companies like google, southwest, or starbuck (businesses that are known for having great HRM/OB
-Results of quantitative studies- We could look at companies who have been recognized for their HRM/OB quality, to see if their practices have seemed to create sustained competitive advantage
-Who recognizes companies for HRM/OB? -Fortune’s 100 best companies to work for
1. SAS 6. Dreamworks
2. Edward Jones 7. NetApp
3. Wegmans 8. Boston Consulting
4. Google 9. Qualcomm
5. Nugget Market 10. Camden Property Trust
Are the 100 Best more profitable than similar companies in those industries?
-One study found a “matched firm” for each of the 100 Best
-Matched firms- were similar in size and industry, but had never made the list
-The 100 Best firms outperformed their matches over a five year period
-So according to this study, YES HRM/OB MATTERS!!! -Another Study:
Execs in 968 firms responded to questions about their HRM/OB practices
Data on turnover, sales, and stock price were collected for all 968 firms
A one-standard deviation improvement in their question responses was associated with a 7% decrease in turnover, $27,000 more in sales per employee, and an $18,000 improvement in market value per employee
YES, HRM/OB MATTERS!!! -IPO study: The survival of 136 firms who