The mass Asian public believes democracy is the best form of government, and distinct “Asian values” are increasingly rejected as countries develop further. At one point, democracy was viewed as receding in the liberal democracies of Taiwan and South Korea, both economically developed and ‘Western Oriented’ Asian states. After gaining the Taiwanese presidency, Chen did everything in his power in order for his party to be the only governing one and occupy most seats in parliament. The president however ended up down Taiwan’s economy, integrity and political accountability to hold on to his power. The democracy in South Korea after Roh Moo Hyun took power altered greatly, as he attempted to challenge the entire prospect of a liberal democracy and change laws to work in his own favor. Roh’s actions however resulted in his losing his government’s public approval. These are examples Diamond presents to show that although these countries will never go back to being non-democracies, their
The mass Asian public believes democracy is the best form of government, and distinct “Asian values” are increasingly rejected as countries develop further. At one point, democracy was viewed as receding in the liberal democracies of Taiwan and South Korea, both economically developed and ‘Western Oriented’ Asian states. After gaining the Taiwanese presidency, Chen did everything in his power in order for his party to be the only governing one and occupy most seats in parliament. The president however ended up down Taiwan’s economy, integrity and political accountability to hold on to his power. The democracy in South Korea after Roh Moo Hyun took power altered greatly, as he attempted to challenge the entire prospect of a liberal democracy and change laws to work in his own favor. Roh’s actions however resulted in his losing his government’s public approval. These are examples Diamond presents to show that although these countries will never go back to being non-democracies, their