In the second segment of the documentary "What we have learn about U.S. foreign policies", John Stockwell, former CIA Station Chief Angola Task Force, and highest-ranking CIA official ever to leave the agency and go public, speaks out about the actions taken by the CIA towards 3rd world countries. In this speech, he declares that that U.S. has extensively manipulated and organized the overthrows of functioning governments around the world. Stockwell talks about organized secret armies that fight in just about every continent around the world. An Example of this organized crimes committed by the CIA would be, The Panama war "Operation Just Cause" that took place on December 20th 1984. The use spent millions of dollars in a three-day attack that caused the lives of over 4,000 people in Panama. The reasons behind this war, where not the stop drug traffic, but rather more complex. Former CIA agent, Manuel Noriega, had been working with the U.S. when he was sent to Panama to control that area. He then rebelled and became the leader of the country. The U.S. then undertook a systematic effort to overthrow Noriega. Economic sanctions were stepped up and additional troops were dispatched to Panama. His image was now shown that of a criminal, compared to terrorist. The war also served as good testing grown for weapons and…