The three brands I have chosen to compare are Kodak, Nikon and Samsung.
By comparing brand elements we can see how each brand is differentiated, and how successful this can contributed to brand equity and success of the business. Brands differentiate themselves to help the consumer identify which brand in their minds are the best for them, however building the brand the elements must all fit the criteria of; memorability, meaningfulness, likeability, transferability, adaptability and protectability.
To start Nikon’s brand is one of top 100 global brands, the secret to their success is having a great reputation and proven mechanical ability. To enhance this, the brands slogan ‘at the heart of the image’ brings connotations of an emotional aspect to the brand which builds relationships with their customers. The slogan also summarizes the overall value proposition which determines whether a customer thinks the brand is worthy of their money. Another good brand element is their logo which ties in with the name and slogan which create a strong brand image, their positive and unique associations within their advertising create this image. The key is consistency with the brand, the products are considered as a luxury brand therefore consistency throughout all brand elements will show that promise, and keep the consumer’s perception of the brand the same.
Kodak’s brands inability to adapt to a changing competitive landscape is now struggling in the market. In the mid-70’s Kodak owned nearly 90% of the film and camera market thus demonstrating that nothing lasts forever. Which big brands for example Apple are constantly strategically planning. The irony