No. 251
Age range: 3 - 7
Price: £2.99
Society is usually familiar with the contents of magazines, which are published for adults. This course presented an opportunity to discover and evaluate a children’s magazine for the class. The reviewed magazine is one of the series of Fun to Learn- Friends by Redan Publishing Ltd. Each magazine of Fun to Learn- Friends covers an issue. The 251st is focused on Halloween, which is the dominant theme of the month.
The magazine’s cover and the inside pages are both illustrated and decorated with children’s favorite latest cartoon characters, such as, Peppa Pig, Dora the Explorer, Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom, Poppy Cat…etc. Subsequent to the cover page, the reader will meet the well-structured and adorned table of contents, which is categorized into four major parts; Stories, Make, Games, and Prizes. Under the Stories part it is mentioned four titles of the stories which the child is going to meet afterwards in the magazine, that are the following: Ben & Holly- Halloween Party, Wubbzy- A magical Halloween, Poppy- the magic show, Bedtime Tale- Bedtime without Arthur. Likewise, under the Make part, meaning the craft part, is stated three titles; Rosie- Jelly Jack O’Lanterns, Charley- Magic tricks, and Peppa- trick or treat boxes. Similar to the previous two parts, the third part, which is the Games includes the following: Humf- Trick or treat game, Raa Raa- Big roar code, Clifford- Halloween trail maze. And the last group is the Prizes containing Jake & the Neverland Pirates- Win duvet sets. As it is stated, before the name of the story, craft, game or the prize, there is a character to guide the child in each part. Beside each subtitle there is its page number, that helps the child to get used to the systematic form, and will have a clearer image of the content in the mind of the child.
Some of the pages had website advertisements,