Queensland Health
September 2010
In March, 2010, Queensland Health went live with a new payroll and rostering solution for all staff in every location across the state. Queensland Health engaged Ernst & Young in August 2010 to conduct a review of the payroll and rostering systems.
Executive summary Introduction and scope Current state assessment Vendor analysis Peer analysis overview Solution options assessment Findings Conclusion Appendix A: Detailed solution options assessment 2 7 10 15 19 21 28 32 34
Our report may be relied upon by Queensland Health for the purpose of the review on its rostering and payroll solution only pursuant to the terms of our engagement letter dated 2 July 2010. We disclaim all responsibility to any other party for any loss or liability that the other party may suffer or incur arising from or relating to or in any way connected with the contents of our report, the provision of our report to any other party or the reliance upon our report by any other party.
Executive summary
In July, 2010, Queensland Health engaged Ernst & Young to conduct a review of its payroll and rostering systems to establish their ongoing suitability for Queensland Health, and to ascertain what potential options are available to resolve the recently experienced payroll problems. Ernst & Young did not undertake a review of the root causes of the problems being experienced. However, the review was undertaken cognisant of the origins of these problems. To inform our findings, we undertook:
Extensive consultation and engagement with a broad range of Queensland Health staff stakeholder groups and all 13 Queensland Health unions to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issues and their origins. Specifically, Ernst & Young listened, observed and spoke with staff in 8 payroll processing locations across regional and remote Queensland during the duration of the review A vendor analysis