Assessment 1 What does psychology have to do with the Christian faith? In Psychology and Christianity: Five Views, by Myers, Jones, Roberts, Watson, Coe, Hall, and Powlison (2010) is an introductory textbook for Christian psychology that provides sound arguments for an array of positions on psychology and faith. Each author contributed an essay and in return the other essayist respond by either agreeing or disagreeing by pointing out faults and explaining why. The first position by David G. Myers titled, “A-Levels-of-Explanation View,” who is a psychological scientist who supports that Christian theology and psychology are two very distinct disciplines, but they do share similar goals. Myers defines psychology as, “the science of behavior and mental processes” (2010, pg.49) and that over time different variations of this definition have agreed that psychology is a science. By having curiosity and humility we should seek out to test each other’s ideas. He has high regards towards empirical psychological research that it can reveal about a person’s personality, behavior, attitudes, relationships and more. He also confirms that psychology can affirm aspects of Christian faith, for example psychological science supports family values, and that at time psychological science might cause us to change our view on Christian theology and interpretations of scripture. Myers admits that he has changed his stance on homosexuals, as there is more research on psychological findings and genetic research. He concludes that, “sexual orientation is a natural disposition, not a voluntary moral choice” (2010, pg. 72). Secondly, Stanton L. Jones writes about, “An Integration View,” where psychology and Christianity should be intertwined with each other. He believes that science is a tool that God uses as an instrument of revelation. Although Jones upholds that scripture determines the foundational beliefs and understanding of Christians, it does not provide us
References: Myers, D. G., Jones, S. L., Roberts, R. C., Watson, P. J., Coe, J. H., Hall, T. W., Powlison, D. (2010). Psychology and Christianity five views. E.L. Johnson (2nd ed.). Downers, IL: InterVarsity Press.