Ashley R. Drader
Capella University
The author reviews three scholarly articles discussing the current dropout rates affecting the American school systems. In some places dropout rates are as high as 50 percent within a single year. There are many different causes and risk factors that cause adolescents to drop out of school. The author discusses the causes and the risk factors further and also discusses possible prevention and intervention models that will help eliminate dropout rates. The author reviews an article discussing the Check, Connect, and Expect program, an article from a school social worker’s point of view as well as from a school counselor’s point of view.
The school dropout rates are shocking considering how advanced the American society has become. A person who does not receive a high school diploma or a GED will have a very difficult time finding a job and being able to provide for themselves. The military will not accept a person without a high school diploma or a GED, and many low status jobs will not accept someone without one either. In “high-poverty urban schools, [the dropout rate] can be as high as 50 percent or more in a single year” (Hernandez & Simbeni 2008). Students and drop out of school are more likely to be unemployed, use illegal drugs and experience health and marital problems. Students who drop out of school not only have negative effects on themselves, but as well as to society. The effects on society are “forgone national income, lower tax revenues for support of government services, higher demand for school services and higher crime rates committed by individuals who have dropped out of school” (White & Kelly 2010). The causes and problems associated with school dropouts are complicated and are multifaceted. Another problem associated with school dropout rates is the very little intervention research on dropout prevention (White & Kelly 2010). However,
Bibliography: Cheney, Douglas; Lynass, Lori; Flower, Andrea Waugh, Maryann et al. 2010 The Check, Connect, and Expect Program: A Targeted, Tier 2 Intervention in the Schoolwide Behavior Support Model. Preventing School Failure. Vol. 54, Iss. 3, pg. 152 Jozefowicz-Simbeni, D. (2008). An ecological and developmental perspective on dropout risk factors in early adolescence: Role of school social workers in dropout prevention efforts. Children & Schools, 30(1), 49-62. Retrieved from PsycINFO database White, S., & Kelly, F. (2010). The school counselor 's role in school dropout prevention. Journal of Counseling & Development, 88(2), 227-235. Retrieved from PsycINFO database.