Yao's methodology is to conduct a 'double investigation', acting both from the inside as a 'bearer of the values examined' and from the outside as a 'critic of the doctrine presented'. By continually revisiting the underlying question, over what Confucianism was and is from different angles, Yao intends to lead the reader into greater depth and complexity. The effort Yao puts forth is truly admirable, yet he tries to accomplish too much in a single book. In large part, he succeeds at presenting a balanced, academic understanding of Confucianism in light of his five stages or dimensions. In my experience however, many aspects of Yao's organization and methodology interfered with my sincere effort to gain an 'inside' understanding of and appreciation for the spiritual / religious nature of Confucianism, even though this appears to be his ultimate goal.
In the introduction, Yao states his five stages or dimensions of the subject matter. For the remainder of the book, I could sense these dimensions as an undercurrent that remained present