July 27, 2015
University of Phoenix
Accounting Memo Review
Once I finished reviewing the Accounting Memo sent to Andrew and team mates. I found several items that need to be changed in order to be re-directed to the Chief Financial Officer. This memo was written very informal since this was directed to a fellow team mate. All formal method of communication need to write out the entire word. In this case the word memo was abbreviated instead of writing out memorandum. There is no abbreviation and always use complete sentences. Rewording the memorandum and reorganizing the words will make a more complete and will cost no confusion to the reader. Example, for this memo, “We will have a meeting this Wednesday to discuss the Last In/First Out versus First In/First Out methods and the cost of goods. The Chief Financial Officer will need to present this information to the company’s president and board later this month.” Now the second paragraph could start by saying, “In order to continue reducing our federal and state taxes we recommend to continue with the use of LIFO. This way we can avoid getting to any inflationary economic issues. The abbreviations once again are used with P&L. The entire word Profit & Loss Statements needs to be written out to avoid confusion. The two bullet points are incorrect as noted. We could replace both bullet points by making to two complete sentences. Final paragraph has no relation to the entire memorandum. There is no need to talk about other companies that do not have any relation to our concerns. This memo was written without taking into consideration the audience. Memorandums weather informal or formal need to be written in a professional format. This is regardless who the audience might be. Many times memorandums are sending as a group message and this could include coworkers, upper level managers or even the CFO and the company’s president.