Review: Dorsal Body Cavity – Brain, Spinal cord Thoracic Cavity – Heart, Lungs, Bronchi, Trachea, Esophagus, Diaphragm Abdominopelvic Cavity – Liver, Stomach, Pancreas, Spleen, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Rectum, Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, Adrenal Glands, Descending
Aorta (an artery), Inferior Vena Cava (a vein)
Umibilical Region: Stomach, Pancreas, Small Intestines, Aorta, Vena Cava, Spinal Cord
Epigastric Region: Liver, Stomach, Aorta, Vena Cava, Spinal Cord
Hypogastric Region: Small Intestines, Rectum, Bladder, Aorta, Vena Cava, Spinal Cord
Right Iliac Region: Small & Large Intestines, Appendix, Ureters
Left Iliac Region: Small & Large Intestines, Ureters
Right Lumbar Region: Liver, Kidney, Ureters, Adrenal Gland, Intestines
Left Lumbar Region: Small Intestines, Kidney, Ureters, Adrenal Gland
Right Hypochondriac Region: Liver
Left Hypochondriac Region: Liver, Stomach, Spleen
Not in Abdominopelvic Region: Brain, Heart, Lungs, Bronchi, Trachea, Esophagus, Diaphragm
Now, take the organs/structures listed above, and assign each of them to one of the organ system categories below:
Digestive System: Liver, Stomach, Pancreas, Small & Large Intestines, Rectum, Esophagus
Urinary System: Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder
Cardiovascular System: Aorta, Vena Cava, Heart
Endocrine System: Adrenal Glands
Respiratory System: Lungs, Bronchi, Trachea
Immune System: Spleen
Nervous System: Brain, Spinal Cord
1. Use the key below to indicate the body systems that perform the following functions for the body:
KEY: A. Cardiovascular B. Digestive C. Endocrine D. Immune E. Integumentary F. Muscular G. Nervous H. Reproductive I. Respiratory J. Skeletal
K. Urinary
K – Urinary Rids the body of nitrogen-containing wastes
C – Endocrine Is affected by removal of the thyroid