Snow White and the Huntsman is an adaptation of the Grimm fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. However the focus is not Snow White and her interaction with the seven dwarfs, much like the popular Disney portrayal of the fairytale that viewers have come to know. This version of the fairytale is dark and sinister, placing an emphasis on the evil Queen’s agenda and the Huntsman who is sent to hunt down Snow White. This new action-packed spin on the fairytale includes large battles and fight scenes, while keeping many elements from the original tale like the poison apple and “mirror, mirror on the wall”. The film is directed by Rupert Sanders and features a star-studded cast that includes, Academy Award Winner, Charlize Theron as the evil queen, Twilight’s, Kristen Stewart as Snow White, and Thor’s, Chris Hemsworth as the Huntsman. Although visually the film is hypnotically intriguing, some of the story and plot could use tweaking. Emotionally, this film is meant to explore the darker, more violent take on the fairytale and does an effective job of this through beautifully shot scenes and exceptional special effects. The films visual quality is especially emphasized with the walk through the dark forest, which makes you feel like you are stuck in a really bad acid trip. Along with the trippy visual effects, the film is meant to have an epic feel to it. Snow White trades in her ball gown as well as her dainty, “damsel in distress” act, for a suit of armor. Taking on the role of a badass, Joan of Arc character, giving an inspirational speech before leading troops into a high intensity battle, full of violent, and action packed fight scenes. Everything about this movie feels fantastical and epic, everything expect for the writing. At times, the dialogue is downright cheesy and cringe-worthy, making the story and plot obvious, and the story and the acting suffer. If you are seeking strictly entertaining effects and action,
Snow White and the Huntsman is an adaptation of the Grimm fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. However the focus is not Snow White and her interaction with the seven dwarfs, much like the popular Disney portrayal of the fairytale that viewers have come to know. This version of the fairytale is dark and sinister, placing an emphasis on the evil Queen’s agenda and the Huntsman who is sent to hunt down Snow White. This new action-packed spin on the fairytale includes large battles and fight scenes, while keeping many elements from the original tale like the poison apple and “mirror, mirror on the wall”. The film is directed by Rupert Sanders and features a star-studded cast that includes, Academy Award Winner, Charlize Theron as the evil queen, Twilight’s, Kristen Stewart as Snow White, and Thor’s, Chris Hemsworth as the Huntsman. Although visually the film is hypnotically intriguing, some of the story and plot could use tweaking. Emotionally, this film is meant to explore the darker, more violent take on the fairytale and does an effective job of this through beautifully shot scenes and exceptional special effects. The films visual quality is especially emphasized with the walk through the dark forest, which makes you feel like you are stuck in a really bad acid trip. Along with the trippy visual effects, the film is meant to have an epic feel to it. Snow White trades in her ball gown as well as her dainty, “damsel in distress” act, for a suit of armor. Taking on the role of a badass, Joan of Arc character, giving an inspirational speech before leading troops into a high intensity battle, full of violent, and action packed fight scenes. Everything about this movie feels fantastical and epic, everything expect for the writing. At times, the dialogue is downright cheesy and cringe-worthy, making the story and plot obvious, and the story and the acting suffer. If you are seeking strictly entertaining effects and action,