Novel review of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
This review will discuss my response to a literary work which is entitled The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring that is written by Professor JRR Tolkien. This novel is the first volume of the lord of the ring trilogy. It consists of 10 chapters and was first published in 1954. This novel is about a young hobbit, Frodo Baggins, and his eight journey companions to Mordor in order to destroy a ring. This novel will be reviewed regarding several narrative aspects; the plot, setting, point of view, and characters of the story.
First, The Fellowship of the Ring novel has a linear plot. Linear plot encompasses four sequential levels that are exposition, complication, climax and resolution (for details, see: In the beginning of the story, the author tells the history of the ring, which is called the exposition in which the characters and conflict are introduced. Then, the author sequences the complication where the problem is developed (for further details see : is when the fellowship of the ring is established and begins the journey. The climax of the story where the point of the highest tension (Amirulloh, 2011) is when Boromir tries to seize the ring from Frodo and causes Frodo feels hesitant to bring the ring. Then, the resolution where the conflict is resolved (Amirulloh, 2011) is when Frodo leaves the fellowship and continues alone, though Sam soon finds out and accompanies him, heads towards the evil land of Mordor. The author incredibly creates the plot progression of each stage which will draw the readers into the plot of story.
Second, the fellowship of the rings has specific setting. The setting of a story is the time and place where the events unfold (for details, see:
References: Amirulloh, Della Kartika Sari. (2013). The Kiss- Kate Chopin. ppt Amirulloh, Della Kartika Sari Amirulloh, Della Kartika Sari. (2011). Elements of fiction. ppt