There are a variety of ways to approach the management of human resources in an organisation. Nevertheless, any approach fits within the continuum between the broad approaches of “hard” and “soft” (J. Riley, 2012). That is, the human resource management approach in an organisation tends to adopt elements of both the “soft” and “hard” approaches. (Armstrong, M., 2009). Whatever the approach taken in an organisation, the human resource management function has to be in line with an organisation’s strategic goals.
Put concisely, the “soft” approach focuses on the needs of employees. That is, their commitment, participation, training, and development; it entails developing employees motivation, quality and commitment. On the other hand, the “hard” approach centres mainly on strategy where human resources are used to ahieve organisational goals. It focuses on identifying workforce needs of the business and recruiting and managing accordingly (Senyucel, Z., 2009).
“Human resource management is a strategic function where recruitment, selection, the welfare of employees, their training, development, and retention is planned and the most effective ways of putting these ideas into practice is designed in alignment with organisation’s strategic goals” (Senyucel, Z., 2009). Consequenlty, these factors evaluated in order to review the human resource management approach taken in an organisation because they hinge on organisations goals which ultimately align with the adopted approach.
The objective of this paper is to explain and justify why staff retention, job satisfaction, organisation policies, and staff development opportunities are some of the factors chosen in reviewing the human resource management approach adopted in an organisation.
Staff retention
Staff retention refers to the ability of an organisation to develop and maintain high quality people (Armstrong, M.,
References: 1. Armstrong, M. (2009). Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice, 11th edition. Replika Press Pvt Ltd; India 2. Riley, J. (2012). HRM –Hard or Soft? Retrieved from 3. Senyucel, Z. (2009). Managing the human resource in the 21st century. Zorlu Senyucel and Ventus Publishing ApS. Retrieved from 4. Greener, T. (2009). Understanding organisations –What do HR people do? Tony Greener and Ventus Publishing ApS. Retrieved from