In any type of business reward systems offer employees the incentive to more effectively and efficiently perform. Whether the rewards are financial, material, recognition based, or just beneficial they are important in helping to motivate employees in performing better and going above and beyond the minimum requirements. There are nine major factors that motivate employees to perform better. These nine factors are: “Respect for employee as a person; good pay; opportunity to turn out quality work; the chance of being promotion; opportunity for self-development and improvement; feeling my job is important; being told by my boss when I do a good job; opportunity to do interesting work; and large amount of freedom on the job. When creating a reward system these factors should be considered. We will focus on implementing these factors in creating a rewards system for human service organizations.
Human service workers have a great need to be rewarded for the efforts, effectiveness, and efficiency because they deal with other people’s problems and issues everyday without allowing their personal feelings or personal issues to get in the way of their performance. Human service workers deserve recognition for the work they provide to others while maintaining the integrity, moral values, and high ethical standards in every situation. Human service workers ensure that regardless of the situation they meet the basic needs of their clients and go above and beyond to ensure the safety and well-being of all parties involved in the