ISSN 2152-1034
Case Study
Rewarding for Success in an International Assignment: the Case of Returning to an Uncertain Future
Ileana Alvarado Krystal A. Antoine Gian-Carlo Cinquetti Jorge Fernandez Jabir Najair Giuliana Scagliotti Bahaudin G. Mujtaba Nova Southeastern University
Abstract This case discusses how the decisions and communication from Human Resource (HR) management can be detrimental at times when placing expatriates. It also analyzes some of the problems that a firm can face along with recommended solutions that can prevent a reoccurrence. Recommendations, suggestions, and plans for practical alternatives are provided for human resource professionals and expatriates. The case emphasizes the importance of clear communication between HR management and expatriates working abroad and starting repatriation. Multinational firms can use this case in order to improve their management and business structure. Key words: Communication, Human Resource Management, expatriates, multinational firms.
Andreas Weber’s Reward for Success In this case about Andreas Weber reward for success, the authors looks at the way human resource professionals communicate with expatriates when it comes down to international assignments. Andreas was a typical businessman whose sole purpose was to enter into the workforce and grow in ranking. He entered the leadership program with the understanding that this would be a position where his skills would be put to use. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) emphasized that international experience is the key to moving upward in this organization.
© Ileana Alvarado, Krystal A. Antoine, Gian-Carlo Cinquetti, Jorge Fernandez, Jabir Najair, Giuliana Scagliotti and Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
The time before Andrea’s arrival, a bigger and better position opened up which allowed him to have more control over the bank. Knowing this would be his assignment, he prepared
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