Address all aspects below for full credit. I’ve added some guidance below that should help if you don’t know how to approach this.
1. How does RFID compare to bar-coding?
By searching the Internet, summarize the advantages and disadvantages of RFID systems. Did you find any RFID applications for services?
• RFID tags don’t need to be positioned in the line of sight with the scanter but barcodes do
• RFID tags can be read at a faster rate than barcodes; as approximately 40 RFID tages can be read at the same time
• RFID tags can work within much greater distances; information can be read from a tag at up to 300 ft.
• RFID tags are read/write devices where as barcodes are a universal technology
• RFID tags contain high levels of security; stores that own a barcode reader can process barcodes from anywhere in the world
• RFID involves assembling and inserting a computerized chip; which is more expensive than barcode scanner
• RFID readers struggle picking up information when passing through metal or liquid; barcode scanners are only limited to direct line of sight
• Reader collision can mix up two signals and cannot respond to both but barcodes are labor intensive because they must scan individually
• Tag collision can occur when numerous tags in the same area respond at the same time but barcodes are more easily damaged
• RFID still has two separate chips, which cannot be read b the same machine barcodes can be more easily reproduced or forged
Adaptalift Hyster. (2012, May 1). RFID VS BARCODES: Advantages and disadvantages comparison. Retrieved from
Find at least one application for RFID in the service industry (healthcare, beauty salons, higher education, legal services, banking, hotels, etc.). Try Googling “RFID in service industry” or