1914 – American nurse Margaret Sanger invents the term “birth control”.
1927 - Margaret Sanger organizes first World Population Conference in Geneva, including professors, doctors and scientists to establish credibility and rally people to her cause.
1942 - Planned Parenthood Federation of America is established to unite the efforts of eugenicists, population controllers and birth controllers.
1939-1948 - Increase in individual efforts in the Philippines by Presbyterian, Congregational, and other Protestant ministers to spread information about birth control.
1948 - Planned Parenthood awards a grant to Gregory Pincus, a research biologist who undertook a series of tests leading to the development of the birth control pill.
1952 - Population Council is founded by John D. Rockefeller III.
1957 The National Council of Churches establishes the Family Relations Center, a counseling clinic.
1960 - The US FDA approves the sale of oral pills for contraception.
1964 – The University of the Philippines Population Institute (UPPI) is formally established as a unit of the University of the Philippines, with an initial grant from the Ford Foundation. Its goal is to undertake population studies and train graduates in demography.
1967 – Seventeen heads of state including Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos sign the United Nations Declaration on Population which stresses that the “population problem” must be recognized as the principal element in long-term economic development. The Institute of Maternal and Child Health sets up the National Training Center for Maternal Health Service in accordance with an agreement between the National Economic Council, the Institute for Maternal and Child Health, and the US Agency for International Development.
1968 - The government starts to participate in population and family planning efforts by creating the Project Office for Maternal and Child Health in the