The Reproductive Health Law is now legal in our country. But what are the benefits and disbenifits of this Law to Filipino’s?
Before I write this reaction paper I had to read the Bill twice and read some articles, reaction and comments in the internet I had read books and research which is related to reproductive health, sex education and Bioethics, for me to fully understand what was the RH bill all about and the reason of the creation of this bill.
Poverty, the main problems that the Philippine is facing today and they say that the primary factors that lead to poverty is due to overpopulation, the Philippines has a population of 64,318,120 in 1990. Today the population is ballooning and estimated to over 94 million according to latest census and the top 12 the country having the most population. The population is growing by about 2 percent a year, giving the Philippines one of the world’s highest population-growth rates. This is one of the reasons of the creation of the Reproductive Health bill to give a solution to poverty by eradicating the overpopulation problem, by implementing family planning, sex education and prevent the sexually transmitted disease. The average population density in the Philippines is 311 persons per sq km (805per sq mi). However, the distribution of the population is uneven; some areas are virtually uninhabited, while others are densely populated. The percentage of the population living in rural areas has steadily declined in recent decades. It decreased from 68 percent in 1970 to 57 percent in 1990. By 2000 urban dwellers outnumbered rural residents, with only 42 percent of the population living in rural