Rhetorical Analysis
Analysis of Prompt #6 Is driving an SUV the American way? According to the creator of this bumper sticker, it’s not. The purpose of this bumper sticker is to make a statement to Americans driving a sports utility vehicle (SUV) that driving these oversized vehicles is hurting the U.S.A by emitting large amounts of emissions into the ozone, polluting the air they breathe, and increasing the demand of oil from foreign countries. The illustrator of this sticker emphasizes his beliefs by using the American flag and using the word “Unpatriotic” meaning he believes it is unethical to the point it is unpatriotic to drive these vehicles and support the dependency on foreign countries’ oil. This argument was based on ethics which is ethos. The creator of these bumper stickers targets the ethics of people and believes it’s unethical in terms of the pollutants they put into the air with their SUVs. They also use an acronym for SUV as they point out that the author actually thinks it means “Super unpatriotic vehicle” instead of the proper definition, “Sports utility vehicle” to question SUV owners is the actual intent of buying these vehicles is to hurt the U.S or for personal use.
The stasis question that this most appropriately responds to is “What actions should be taken?” because the sticker is suggesting to SUV owners to switch to a more eco-friendly compact car to reduce the harm that SUVs are causing. It is intended to influence reducing the sales of these unpatriotic vehicles, as it is un-American to own one.
The appeal it makes to its reader would be the ethos appeal because this sticker would make people of the U.S question their ethics if they are doing the right thing to not themselves but to the USA by supporting foreign dependency or polluting the air. How it appeals to the readers is by using the American flag to represent the