Due date: October 17th
Summary: A 7-to-10 page essay describing three rhetorical artifacts and their relation to your chosen social issue. This essay must have a thesis statement at the end of the introduction and do a six-part analysis of three rhetorical artifacts.
Before you begin (NOTE: This should have been completed for your Artifact Introduction Assignment so this is review):
1. First, choose a social issue. This could be one of national and international significance, but don’t hesitate to choose a local issue either, if you wish. You could select something that is pertinent to just Evangel University, for instance.
Examples: Depictions of femininity. Christianity and America. Gun control. Racial quotas/preferences in higher education. Sexism. Free will. Education. Unpaid athletes in the NCAA. More evening classes for EU.
Disclaimer: Let’s avoid abortion, the death penalty, gun rights, and gay marriage for this assignment unless you can convince me you have a fresh spin or take on it. These topics have been heavily used in previous semesters, so I want to encourage you to expand to less traveled territory.
2. Then, choose three interesting rhetorical artifacts that deal with or illustrate this social issue. This could be such things as advertising, films, books, songs, albums, YouTube/online videos, speeches, websites, etc. Limit yourself to only two samples per genre—that is, don’t pick three films, or three songs, or three books, but have some variety. It is possible to pick something very simple—like a single magazine page ad—but remember that you need to be able to pull a lot out of it to discuss. So find something that will be fruitful for many pages’ worth of discussion.
Your assignment
1. In your introduction (5-8 sentences), first describe the social issue and why you’ve picked it. Then, briefly describe the three rhetorical artifacts and how they pertain to the social issue.
2. Finish your