a. “I believe – ‘That government is best which governs not at all.’”
i. This quote is very controversial because many people think that if there was no government in our lives, then there would be nothing but chaos. This is somewhat false and true though because there would not be a force of order, but already, the government cannot control one single mind.
b. “He who gives himself entirely to his fellow men appears to them useless and selfish; but he who gives himself partially to them in pronounced a benefactor and philanthropist.”
i. This quote is very interesting because it is saying that a man who gives everything that he can to somebody is considered no more than a poor servant. But the man who gives up only part of what he can give is thought of as a charitable man. This is a very intriguing statement that most people would not understand.
c. “If a plant cannot live according to its nature, it dies; and so a man.”
i. This quote is important because it shows how he thinks that people cannot be over controlled and that we need to let life do its work on us.
2. Outline
a. The United States government does not really show its use
b. The government only gets its power because they are the strongest group
c. They do not have power because they have the most correct ideas
d. People are obligated to first to go to what they think is right before they follow the law
e. When governments are not just, people should rebel
f. They should refuse to follow the law
g. A person is not obligated to devote his life to eliminating evils from the world, but he is obligated not to participate in such evils
h. The US government is proven to be unjust because they support slavery and are aggressive when it comes to war
i. He believes that voting and making petitions for change will not work very well
j. He believes it should be through protest, abandoning the government, and disobeying the laws
k. Someone cannot see government