Parichay Chakraborty, Debnah Bhattacharyya, Sattarova Nargiza, and Sovan Bedajna discuss the ideas behind Green Computing in their report, “Green Computing: Practice of Efficient and Eco-Friendly Computing Resources.” The writers are employed by Johnson Controls, a company specializing in products, services, and solutions geared towards optimizing energy and operational efficiency. In their report, they attempt to convey the idea that Green Computing is in the best interest of companies in the computer industry for a variety of reasons, but most importantly because it will help with public relations, cutting costs, and protecting the environment. They take on a formal tone throughout the report to appeal to their company’s culture and diverse workforce. The language of the text is concrete, somewhat technical, and they support their ideas with real-life examples and statistics.
Chakraborty and others begin in section 1 of their report, titled “Introduction”, by giving their definition of Green Computing; “Green Computing is the practice of using computing resources efficiently.” This builds credibility with their audience by demonstrating in the opening sentence they understand the concept of Green Computing at its very core, and it also enables their audience to have a better understanding of the topic being discussed. In the same paragraph, they emphasize that Johnson Controls is “working on implementation of the green computing practices,” but in order to achieve this “it’s also important to study about what kind of energy gains and operational gains can be achieved.” This gives support to the main idea of cutting costs, and piques the reader’s interest about some of the Green Computing initiatives the rest of the report will discuss. It also continues to build credibility because they announce that Johnson Controls is implementing actual Green Computing initiatives in their own
Cited: Chakraborty, et al. "Green computing: Practice of Efficient and Eco-Friendly Computing Resources." International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing. 2.3 (2009): 33-38. Web. 8 Feb. 2013. <>.