AT&T is a major phone corporation. This company has also taken a huge stance on texting and driving. The number of people killed in distraction-affected crashes decreased slightly from 3,360 in 2011 to 3,328 in 2012. An estimated 421,000 people were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving a distracted driver, this was nine percent increase from the estimated 387,000 people injured in 2011. Texting is becoming an epidemic. AT&T is using their popularity to get a very powerful message across. It has commercials, ads, and billboards all over the United States promoting not to text and drive “it can wait", because it is very dangerous; not only for their life but others as well. This somewhat graphic commercial asserts that an ordinary person can take their eyes off the road and in an instance destroy his/her live or the lives of others, and does this effectively through graphic images, common text message subject matter, and a negative theme.…
This deadly Combination is brought to a heart wrenching point in the YouTube video called “Don’t text while driving” is also a campaign started by AT&T in 2010 “It can wait”. Everyday people are killed in car accidents. Motor vehicles are responsible for the lives of many innocent drivers and passengers on the road. A common reason responsible for these accidents involve texting while driving. Texting and driving projects horrific accidents whose consequences can be fatal and life changing. AT&T supports drivers to not text and drive on the road through their “Don’t text while driving” advertisements. In one of the short stories, a young man suffers from brain damage as a consequence to the text message “Where r” he was sending while operating a motor vehicle. Another one of AT&T’s short stories personifies a sister of a texting and driving victim. AT&T’s video sets a sympathetic mood, uses trustworthy spokespersons and uses style in textual information to appeal to the audience while convincing viewers to not text and drive.…
In today’s modern age we are all connected; the younger the generation, the more emphasis it puts into being connected and culturally significant. In this endless struggle, young adults eighteen to twenty-five years of age cross many boundaries and test the limits they have long been warned of. What does it take to send a clear message, but without having the audience experience life-shattering consequences first-hand for themselves? “PSA Texting While Driving UK AD [HD]” directed by Peter Watkins- Hughes speaks to young adults on many levels all at once in a short span, with a strong attention to detail that ranges from how the actors are portrayed to the lesser details that still draw the eye and make the audience wonder about safety. In connecting these young adults to the video, Watkins- Hughes is able to direct his viewers’ attention to the actions made by the actors, and the to question those actions for that next time the viewers find themselves in a car. By helping them cultivate the right actions and habits earlier in life, this PSA is raising everyone’s security in the future.…
Lewis further argues that he will not wait and be patient like his forefathers before him and all the brothers that he stands with at the moment, he wants to be free, and he wants his people to be free now, a saying that does not go unheard by all the audience that is listening to him. Lewis illustrates to the audience once more, “We are tired. We are tired of being beaten by policemen. We are tired of seeing our people locked up in jail over and over again.”(para 7) In summary, Lewis is saying that he is worked up as well as all the African Americans of being treated as second-class citizens, that they are treated as animals, caged up so the world won’t see their malcontent. Lewis is again repeating his rhetorical technique of anaphora, in which he puts to good use as he repeats being tired time and time again of seeing people of color locked up and in jail for no particularly good reason, even if they didn’t commit a…
In the late 1940’s through the late 1950’s McCarthyism was a wide spread epidemic here in America. The government had a very intense suspicion that there were influences of communism on our soil. Many were accused and prosecuted for “un-American activities” throughout the states. The FBI had no grounds or evidence to stand on when accusing these people. The Salem witch trials in The Crucible were very similar to these situations. Witten by Arthur Miller The Crucible was Miller’s way of protesting and speaking out against these trials while trying not to draw any attention to him. He uses many rhetorical devices to help better his message as it if brought forth to the reader. Irony, repetition, imagery, and metaphors are examples of some of the devices Miller uses to capture the reader and keep the story on track with the protest of McCarthyism.…
Mckibben "The Case for Single –Child Families." first appeared in the Christian century in 1998. In this essay Mckibben aims to convince his readers that having one child doesn’t mean that you’re child will follow the single child stereotype, and that the environmental status of our planet will worsen if we continue to have a growing population. "If we keep heating the planet at our current pace, the seas will rise two feet in the next century.” Personal anecdotes, and using and assertive serious tone are techniques McKibben used to develop a convincing essay.…
Sand between my toes and enjoying some sun while gathered around with a group of friends is what I call, a definition of a great time. The ad Tampax Pearl from Seventeen magazines sells the product through the use of rhetorical fallacies logos, ethos, and pathos. There are six fallacies, and throughout the magazine they are represented by the text, the women in the white bikini, and the beach: false cause, hasty generalization, non sequitur, and appeal to ignorance, false authority, and bandwagon. In the background are the sounds of waves clashing against one another, the sun beginning to lower, and the scent of a bonfire. The game of limbo used as an entertainment to influence laughter, and competition spread to one another.…
Dave Chappelle returns to his hometown of Washington D.C. in the year 2000, during his tour around the country, to perform for the people of D.C. During his show “Killin’ Him Softly” Chappelle effectively uses rhetorical strategies by engaging his audience, understanding the culture he is addressing, as well as exemplifying the problem with racial stereotypes and the disparity of police brutality between the African American community and the white community.…
The Pound Cake speech by Bill Cosby a well-known actor, comedian, and Philanthropist delivered a controversial speech called The Pound Cake Speech which was presented on May 17, 2004 at the NAACP Gala at Constitution Hall in Washington, DC. In this speech, Cosby was highly critical to members and divisions of the African American community in the United States. He criticized the use of African American dialect, the problems with bad parenting and various other social behaviors. Bill Cosby was effective in his speech because he combined a humorous approach with an emotional and logical appeal.…
In South Central, Los Angeles, there is a food epidemic taking place among the population. For miles and miles, the only easily attainable food source is fast food; causing the overconsumption of un-nutritious, greasy, and fattening food. This is the problem brought to the public’s attention by speaker Ron Finley in his Ted Talks speech, “A Guerilla Gardener in South Central L.A.” Finley explains how everywhere he looks in his native South Central, all he sees are fast food chains and Dialysis clinics opened due to the lack of nutritious food. Finley views the lack of a healthy food source as a serious problem, and brings up his point; there are miles of vacant lots throughout Los Angeles, all of which could be used for the cultivation of healthy fruits and vegetables to better the urban community’s diet and health.…
I believe that the rhetorical strategy of narration is both seen differently in the article, “Unnatural Killers”, by John Grisham and the article, “The Case Against College Athletic Recruiting” by Ben Adler. Both appeal emotionally to the reader but one is a lot more logical in its approach then the other.…
Well-known Sci-fi writer, Ray Bradbury, in his novel, Fahrenheit 451, illustrates that relationships reflect who individuals are and who they want to be. Bradbury’s purpose is to promote the idea that a person should have the courage to listen to their own beliefs and thoughts of happiness rather than to blend in with society. He adopts a disoriented and poetic tone in order to appeal to similar feelings and experiences on a non-realistic scale in his young adult readers.…
Today in America many people question whether or not college is truly worth the stress, time, and cost it throws on an individual. With these “burdens” comes alienation from the outside world with little fun and fulfilling experiences. Some people even say that many college students have zero creativity, and are proud of it. This idea of self-growth and freedom along with a diverting experience, while going through college, is something that Rick Perlstein himself has had the opportunity to do. Unfortunately, Perlstein experienced this in his days, and has come to realization that, “College as America used to understand it, is coming to an end” (Perlstein). With this article being published in the liberal magazine, New York Times, many people, mostly ones who have gone through college, completely disagreed with his opinion. One of those insulted people being Liz Addison. Addison’s claim argues that college is yes, much different, but in a positive way, especially in the community colleges. All together in her one sided- argument, she includes several rhetorical devices to persuade, inform, and emotionally prove her claim. These devices being ethos, and pathos, gives her a strong foundation and effective argument to the liberal audience she is writing her article to.…
Sometimes life gets tough and gives us obstacles and challenges just to see how we overcome them. It only takes one mistake for someone’s life to be turned upside down. Watching people go through hardships and life challenges helps us get on the right path and succeed. The book The Other Wes Moore written by Wes Moore himself, is based on real life challenges that two boys ironically with the same name and hometown were faced with and how their decisions on overcoming them lead them to two completely different places. One living free and being able to experience things and the other living unfortunately behind bars. Wes Moore uses the rhetorical appeals ethos, logos, and pathos to engage the readers attention on how two boys with so many similarities can grow up and live two completely opposite lives.…
Beverly Gross’s "Bitch" first appeared in the Salmagundi, a humanities and social sciences-based magazine in 1994. In this essay Gross mainly discussed about the meaning of the word “Bitch” changed across time. She analyzed the word in different perceptive, its offensive meaning, its contemptuous meaning and its literal meaning. As the meaning of the word “Bitch” is changing over time, it actually represents the women’s roles in the society is changing as well. Gross illustrates the word “Bitch” as a demeaning word, she claimed, “A word used by men who are threatened by women”. (Beverly Gross, P.628) It shows that men are willing to be the dominant of the society, and the word “bitch” is an ultimate weapon men have to humiliate women. Anecdotes, contrast and comparison are techniques Gross used to create a strong, powerful and persuasive essay.…