
Rhetorical Analysis Of George Bush Speech On 9/11

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Rhetorical Analysis Of George Bush Speech On 9/11
We all wish we could take back the day thousands of Americans were killed. The day of September 9, 2011. George W. Bush presented a speech that night. He talked about and went over what happened during 9/11. His purpose of this speech was to let people know what was going on and what we, as a group, could do in response to this situation. Bush begins the speech by saying,”...our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom…” He is using ethos to illustrate that we are all the same including him. He is part of America and does not see himself as a higher person just because he is president. He continues on with pathos, and he uses weasel words like deliberate, deadly terrorist attacks, and victims. At this point he is letting

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