As the speech begins Coyote begins talking about his experience of being discriminated against for …show more content…
This has given Coyote years to master the art of spatiality, drawing the eyes of the audience towards a central point. Though when Coyote took the stage for his talk, there had difficulty on the stage. The amount of control displayed by Coyote dominated the minds of the viewers to the fact that you could not turn away. They had a live feed of the talk in the background, and yet after watching it, the screen played such a remedial part of the entire presentation. Making precise movements inside the red rectangle on-stage draws the eyes of the audience towards Coyote. In doing so it changes the overall mood of the presentation, instead of displaying this character of the victim to bring about an agreement with the audience. Coyote masterfully transforms the atmosphere of the room and gives a message of strength for people in the LGBT community.
Giving a speech that solely relies on the power of communication is one that takes years of practice. Without the support of any visual effects, the speaker will have to use meticulous diction and direction to maintain momentum in order to keep the audience involved in the topic being discussed. With over twenty-years of on-stage experience, Coyote effectively portrays the message of the talk. With the use of body language and diction, the tempo of the talked played directly into the strengths Coyote brought to the table as a