Fifty-five years later, we still reflect on Dr. King’s speech and …show more content…
Some more information from the article We Must Denounce Trump’s Racist Actions, not just his Racist Word, discusses how Trump got support from his campaign. Most of Trump’s campaign was built on the racial perception of immigrants and what problems they bring to the United States. Donald uses these racial attitudes, perceptions and fears of people as a strategy for his campaign. Somehow he is able to make it all work in his favor.
To me, it seems that Trump must have had lots of planning for how he would make his campaign work. He did not set up his campaign in the usual way a regular candidate would. He decided to manipulate and draw the fear of racial perception out of people. He then would promise them ways he would stop their racial fears and make many people side with him. His campaign shows the full extent of what happens if racial perception gets out of hand, and how it can be used in a person's