Aziz Ansari is a 33 year old South Carolinian most widely known for his amusing persona in various sitcoms. What many people do not know about Aziz Ansari is that he is the son of Indian immigrants, has a bachelor's degree in Business from New York University, and wrote his own novel, Modern Romance. There is no doubt that Aziz Ansari has had a successful career in Hollywood. However, outside of Hollywood Ansari is an intellectual with …show more content…
The use of his style shows that Muslim Americans do not want to associate themselves with terrorists like Omar Mateen the Orlando shooter whom he calls a “monster” and that he is trying to provide reasons that not all Muslims Americans represent a terrorist-like character. Using the word monster to describe Mateen, he points out the mistake most people make when they see a Muslim individual having more in common with a terrorist, in which it is made clear that he and other Muslim Americans do not support or associate themselves with an idiotic psychopath as he describes. Furthermore, Ansari takes a literal approach to Donald Trump’s quote to the American Muslim community that they know “who the bad one are” implying that they are all involved in terrorists attack and should be banned. His comparison is that if the people who caused the recession of 2007-2008 would fit Trump’s logic of banning all white males to protect the American economy. Pointing out the faults in Donald Trump’s reasonings is the main point being addressed, and is using language to show the ridiculousness of his logic and how he disassociates himself with terrorists like Omar Mateen, whom he calls a monster. His simple solution to the problem of terrorism may be