The cold war was a war fought between the Americans and the soviet union. The U.S was a capitalist country and the soviet union was a communist country. This war was a war to see who was better. It took courage and power to defeat one another and see who was better. The gate was built to keep these to opposing sides divided. Which turned into west berlin and east berlin in germany. As president, Reagan made his speech then things started to change. Reagan said “Now the soviets themselves may, in a limited way, be coming to understand the …show more content…
importance of freedom”(AmericanRhetoric Speech3). Although reagan made a risk to give this speech he still did. It was the courage to persuade the king to knock down the wall. Reagon states to the general “General Secretary Gorbachev, If you seek peace, If you seek prosperity for the soviet union and Eastern Europe, If you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate. Mr Gorbachev, open this gate.”(American Rhetoric Speech3). Reagon states an powerfull speech to open this gate and let there be freedom within the country.
Rolland Regan is giving his speech and is trying to make ends meet.
Regan makes a suggestion he states “There is no better way to establish hope for the future than to enlighten young minds, and we would be honored to sponsor summer youth exchanges, cultural events, and other programs for you young berliners from the east” (American Rhetoric Speech 5). To have the to ends parts come together would be a journey accomplished from years ago. Reagan states “This wall will fall. Beliefs become reality”(AmericanRhetoric Speech 6). Giving this speech at the brandenburg gate made a big impact on what would happen if the gate would be tore down and how freedom would arise. He states that this would change