To begin with, the author of the article "Will the Real Shakespeare Please Stand Up?” had a main purpose in which was to question his existence. He wanted to let the readers know that this debate is real and that this debate has not started in recent times but has been going on for a very long time. He states “This is not a new debate. For years, many people have suggested that someone of high birth actually wrote the works and used William of Stratford as a convenient collaborator to help disguise the identity of the actual author.” His main …show more content…
He uses ethos by demonstrating credibility by using Mark Twain who is a famous american author. The author gives different examples of what Mark Twain previously aforementioned to provide evidence for his cause. Mark Twain goes on to state that it is impossible for “William of Stratford” to be “Shakespeare” because he simply did not have enough knowledge as a common man to write the plays that only a noble man would know. The author continues on by using logos based off his knowledge, like using cause and effect of what really could have been Shakespeare's life. Stating that if he had an extensive knowledge in literature than who taught him how to write, or why wasn't the rest of his family