September 22, 2013
AP English I
Period 9/10
Rhetorical Analysis of “Pink Think” Women have been told what to do since the beginning of time. “Pink Think” furthers that idea. This article by Lynn Peril explains what influences have impacted the way females act and think. Emotional appeal, the use of the theory pink think and her use of specific examples from history all come together to establish her case that women have been expected to fit into a specific mold in order to be a successful woman in life. Every woman feels the need to fit in with society. By fitting in, the woman would get the perfect guy, be successful in life and feel included. Lynn Peril shows how the attitude of Pink think made women feel the need to fit in. There were articles that showed the joys of housewifery. Women who read these articles felt that if they were a housewife and enjoyed the aspects of it written in the article, they fit in. It is a trait in women that all women want to fit in. We look in magazines and wish to look and dress like the models. This was what women thought about Pink think. It was the “in” way to act and think. Women who thought this way fit in and those who did no wanted to so that they could fit in. Lynn Peril shows how Pink think made women want to fit in, and it worked. The theory of Pink Think is a set of ideas and attitudes about what constitutes proper female behavior. It was very popular from the 1940s to the 1970s. The theory of Pink think is the main argument of this essay. The cultural mindset of Pink think touched every female. The women read about it in articles, teens learned about it in their home economics textbooks, and little girls learned the feminine behaviors in games such as Miss. Popularity. With all the aspects of a woman’s life having some type of Pink think, it is no wonder women felt the need to fit into this mold. Pink think also told women that femininity was the only way to get and marry a