Different writing strategies are employed to reach a certain kind of audience be it a specialist in the field of the topic written or a non-specialist. Reaching the audience one is targeting is quite difficult. One must keep in mind the target audience whilst writing. The specialist is an audience in the field for which one is writing. A non-specialist is a rather broad term, but the non-specialist can be categorized as a general audience or the average reader. The non-specialist expectations are rather low compared to a specialist who expects a lot of detail and will question the facts. A non-specialist will be satisfied with the information given and will generally take the authors word on the topic. “Emotional Robots” by Donald A. Norman is an excerpt found in Arguing Across the Disciplines: A Rhetoric and Reader from his 2004 book Emotional Design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. This short excerpt describes the possible uses of robots in the home and their possible designs. Norman communicates his ideas of how robots may look, function, see, move and work with other robots to complete daily household chores and activities. Norman discusses how technology has forced mankind to adapt to new and
Bibliography: Norman, Donald A. “Emotional Robots.” Arguing Across the Disciplines: A Rhetoric and Reader. Eds. Stuart Hirschberg and Terry Hirschberg. New York: Pearson Longman, 2007. 526–530. Zachery, Mark. “An Interview with Donald A. Norman.” Technical Communication Quarterly. St. Paul: Autumn 2005. Vol. 14, Iss. 4; 469-487. Teschler, Leland. “On Track.” Machine Design. Cleveland: Jan 22, 2009. Vol. 81, Iss. 1; 22-25.