[pic]Census Bureau: Statistical Abstract of the U.S.
Compilation of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the U.S. www.census.gov Kinsella, Kevin. "Aging Trends:South Africa." Census Bureau. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb 2013. .
a) Kevin Kinsella’s “Aging Trends: South Africa(2013), explains that there is a link between aging and types of cancer for both black and white south Africans.
b) Kinsella backs this claim up by providing data that outlines the different age groups and trends in South Africa.
c) Kinsella’s purpose is to compare the type of cancer related to an individual’s ethnicity.
d) Kinsella is writing to both men and woman.
[pic]Infoplease Almanac
Comprehensive collection of statistics on arts, business, sports, and more. www.infoplease.com unknown, unknown. "Preventing Cancer." infoplease. Information Please® Database, n.d. Web. 28 Feb 2013. .
a) The article,” Preventing Cancer (2007) explains that many factors affect the risk an individual has of developing cancer.
b) The article backs this claim up by introducing several risk factors for cancer such as, tobacco use, repeated exposure to sunlight, unhealthy diet and alcohol.
c) The article’s purpose is to educate people on the risk factors of cancer and how they can use this as a tool to prevent cancer.
d) This article is directed at men and women, based on the general risk factors named and the chart that compares the mortality of men and women in relation with cancer.
[pic] CableNewsNetwork
Among the world 's leaders in news and information delivery. www.cnn.com Gardner, Amanda. "Smoking may raise breast cancer risk."CNN. Health.com, 24 Jan 2011. Web. 28 Feb 2013. .
e) Amanda Gardner’s article, “Smoking may raise breast cancer risk (2011), argues that smoking may increase the risk of breast cancer in women.
f) Gardner backs this claim up by
Bibliography: a) Kevin Kinsella’s “Aging Trends: South Africa(2013), explains that there is a link between aging and types of cancer for both black and white south Africans. a) The article,” Preventing Cancer (2007) explains that many factors affect the risk an individual has of developing cancer. e) Amanda Gardner’s article, “Smoking may raise breast cancer risk (2011), argues that smoking may increase the risk of breast cancer in women. a) Nathan Seppa’s article, “Obesity linked to pancreatic cancer (2001), states that obesity is a major risk and is linked to the development of pancreatic cancer. a) The article, “New Breast Cancer Reported from Massachusetts General Hospital(2013) explains that many women with health complications such as atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) are at a higher risk for breast cancer.