Kathryn Banning
Phoenix College
Rheumatoid Arthritis There are many diseases that are more prevalent in women than in men. Some of these are common and well known and others are diseases most people are unaware of occurring so regular in women. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (2009), these diseases that are less likely to be known are referred to as “the hidden diseases secretly attacking women’s health.” One of these health conditions is called Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) which is an autoimmune disease that affects joint tissue causing swelling and pain. Statistics show that RA is significantly more common in women than men and that age plays …show more content…
“The cause of RA is still unknown but is likely a combination of genetic factors interacting with inflammatory mediators” (Sue E. Huether, 2008). Overall the interaction between these two components causes significant cartilage damage due to many types of cells and compounds that become activating agents in degrading the surface of the articular cartilage. As the cartilage is damaged, it is digested by the synovium and then inflammatory molecules are released in response to the degradation. Inflammation causes swelling which creates the synovial membrane to thicken and the cells of the membrane to enlarge abnormally, vascular flow is interrupted and between the hypertrophy and lack of proper circulation the body experiences metabolic acidosis. Synovial cells react to acidosis and release enzymes that cause the breakdown of articular cartilage and inflames the surrounding tendons and …show more content…
These symptoms may include fever, fatigue, weakness, weight loss, generalized aching and stiffness (Huether, 2008). In the beginning stages of this disease the joints become painful tender and stiff due to the swelling of the tissues and as progression occurs pain is caused more from the hardening of body tissues. To the touch the joints can feel warm and the overlaying skin may appear thin and shiny. Physical limitations develop as the joints change in shape and become deformed. Hands and fingers and feet and toes curl and harden as they shift out of place.
A person who develops Rheumatoid Arthritis becomes a higher risk for developing other problems. Some medications that are used to treat RA can cause weakening of the bones which can develop into Osteoporosis. Heart problem become more likely due to the hardening of tissues that RA causes. If arteries become hardened this can prevent proper blood in and out of the heart. Lungs are also affected because the body is at more of a risk of the lung tissue becoming inflamed and developing scar tissue which can make it difficult to breathe (Mayo Clinic,