A meeting of the minds
GIFT- none
*Chapter 2*
Someone to count on
GIFT- None
*Chapter 3*
Beasts of my burden
PROBLEM- 3 brothers had 35 camels they had to distribute where the oldest got half, the middle one-third, and the youngest one-ninth, but there was an uneven amount of camels.
SOLVED- The man who counted added Hanak's camel to the bunch, so the number of camels can be more easily divided.
GIFT- In the end the gift received was an extra camel.
*Chapter 4*
Food for thought
PROBLEM- Beremiz and Hanak run into a rich Sheik who was wounded and Hungry. He promised Beremiz and Hanak that if they shared their bread with him he would pay them back with …show more content…
8 pieces of gold when they got back to Baghdad. At Baghdad the Sheik was going to pay them back but Beremiz noticed that the math wasn't right.
SOLVED- Beremiz made a calculation showing how the Sheik should pay him and Hanak back.
GIFT- Beremiz was made into the Vizier's secretary.
*Chapter 5*
In many words
PROBLEM- At the Golden Goose Inn the innkeeper, Salim made a deal with a Jeweler and said that if the jeweler sold all hid jewels for 100 dinars he would pay 20 dinars for his lodgings but If he sold them for 200 then he would pay 35 for the lodgings. But the Jeweler ended up selling them for 140 dinars so now the Innkeeper didn't know how much the jeweler owed him,
SOLVED- Beremiz then made a calculation correcting both the men telling the Jeweler he owed the Innkeeper 26 dinars.
GIFT- The Jeweler gave Beremiz a gold ring.
*Chapter 6*Trial by numbers
PROBLEM- Both the men went to the house of the Vizier and met a poet who didn't believe in what the man who counted could do.
SOLVE: The Vizier made a test for the man who counted. He told him to count his collection of camels.GIFT: Hanak got a job as scribe.
*Chapter 7*
Going to the market
PROBLEM: The men go to the market place and enter to a store called The Four Fours. In the store the store keeper told the man who counted about hi problem with the 50 dinars.
SOLVED: The man who counted told him a way to solve the problem of the 50 dinars.
GIFT: His gift was a blue turban.
*Chapter 8 *
Seventh heaven
PROBLEM: Beremiz and Hanak go to meet the Sheik and his friends the sheep rearers. The sheep rearers had a problem with a payment for a small flock of sheep they received for a quantity of wine in 21 identical casks. 7 full, 7 half full, and 7 empty. They then wanted to divide the wine so that they all each receive the same amount of wine.
OTHER PROBLEM: they also had a problem of paying the bill because there was a missing dinar.
SOLVED: The Man who counted found a way of dividing the wine evenly. The first getting 3 full casks, 1 half full, and 3 empty. The second and third would get 2 full casks, 3 half full casks, and 2 empty.
OTHER SOLVED: The man who counted assured everyone that nothing was
GIFT: no gift
*Chapter 9*
In the stars
PROBLEM: Lezid comes to Beremiz with a problem with his daughter who had to learn the properties of numbers and their many working possibilities.
SOLVED: Beremiz took the job in teaching Lezid's daughter the workings of math and geometry and algebra,
GIFT: none
*Chapter 10*
Bird in the Hand
PROBLEM: Tara Tir is a mean man who questions Beremiz about his counting gift so he asked Beremiz how many birds were in that cage.
SOLVED: Beremiz studied the cage and after taking three birds out he came out with the sum of 496.
GIFT: Lezid frees all the birds in the cage and they all get to hear a beautiful song.
*Chapter 11*
For Good Measure
Beremiz just give his first lesson of math. There is no problem, no solution, and no gift.
*Chapter 12*
Circular reasoning
PROBLEM: Harim (one of the here brothers they met in the desert) appeared. He had a problem with 60 melons that no one could solve.
SOLVED: Beremiz helped his figure out the problem by telling him how to figure it out.GIFT: none
*Chapter 13*
Friendship knows no Bounds
In this chapter there is not absolute problem.
*Chapter 14*
An Eternal Truth
PROBLEM: There was 2 slave girls who were dancing around, they both looked identical and no one could tell them apart. After solving this problem the Vizier Nahum becomes jealous and says that all the little problems that Beremiz is solving are all pointless and not important.
SOLVED: With the problem of the twin dancing slaves Beremiz just counts the skirts ruffles that they were wearing and he can tell them apart one has 309 and the other 312. With the problem with Nahum, Beremiz just makes a speech and says that math is one of the eternal …show more content…
GIFT: Respect from the king.
*Chapter 15*
Squared away
PROBLEM: Nuredin goes looking for a man but someone tells him that the man left and so he goes to the mans house hoping to find some clues. In the house the only thing he could find was a number square and a chess board so he brought the 2 objects with him so someone could study them.
SOLVED: Of course, the man who counted studied them and told them the story of the number square.
GIFT: Everyone now had knowledge about the magic square.
*Chapter 16*
The Game Plan
PROBLEM: Beremiz tells the story of how chess was invented. It about a King who lost his son in a battle and never got over it. He spent all his days being depressed.
SOLVED: A poor man names Sessa came to visit the king to try and make him happy with a game. The game worked and the king was satisfied.
GIFT: At first the man didn't want a gift but the king insisted so the man finally said that he wanted a grain of wheat for each square on the board and each time it should be doubled. The king laughed at this but then when he got amount of the wheat he owed he noticed that it was A LOT of wheat he owed In the end Sessa liberated the king of his duty.
*Chapter 17*
Of Apples and AntsPROBLEM: There was a man who would always talk about how smart his daughters were and one day a judge decided to test that. He told the man to bring his daughters and when the judge met the girls he gave them a problem: He gave the girls 90 apples that they would have to sell. The oldest would have to sell 90, the middle 30, and the youngest 10. If the oldest sold each apple for 7 dinars then so would the rest, but if she sold them for 3 dinars then so would the others, No matter what the price the oldest decided to sell the apples the other 2 would have to follow and they would all have to end up with the
same amount of money.
SOLVED: The man who counted came up with: The oldest sold 7 apples for one dinar. She sold 49 of her apples at that price but kept one back and sold that one for 3 dinars. The middle child sold 28 of her apples for 7 for one dinar and held 2 back that she sold for 3 dinars. The youngest sold 7 of her apples for 7 for one dinar and held back 3 that she sold for 3 dinars each. They each ended u having the same amount of 10 dinars.
GIFT: He got the title of Wise Man but he told everyone he didn't deserve it.
*Chapter 18*
A Perilous Pearl
PROBLEM: The Prince Cluzir had a question and the question was: what have Hindus contributed to mathematics.
SOLVED: Beremiz told the prince about the man named Apastamba who wrote the book Sulbasutra.
*Chapter 19*
Sailor's Choice
PROBLEM: The Prince asks about the problem with the three sailors and another problem is the Prince o f Lahore was wondering about the secret of a medallion.
SOLVED: The man who counted solved both the problems telling the story of the three sailor's and explaining the medallion
GIFT: The prince gave him a sack of gold and the medallion.
*Chapter 20*
The Power Of Ten
In this chapter all they talk about is Beremiz's second class. There is no problem, solution, or gift.
*Chapter 21*
The writing on the wall
PROBLEM: The Vizier Maluf had a great problem he had a prisoner who was sentenced to Life In prison but since he was sentenced to prison fro the rest of his life, now under law his sentence had to be reduced by half his remaining life but no one knew how long he would live, so they didn't know how to divide an incalculable time.
SOLVED: Beremiz said that the life of the Prisoner had already been decided by destiny on the wall of his cell.
GIFT: Beremiz help free a lot of innocent people.
*Chapter 22*Half and Half
PROBLEM: They went to visit the Prisoners cell looking for the answer on how many year the man should stay in jail.
SOLVED: Beremiz finally concluded that the prisoner should be given conditional liberty under the eye of the law.
GIFT: none
*Chapter 23*All is Relative
PROBLEM: The Prince came to see if Beremiz would like to be his secretary but Beremiz rejected his proposal saying that he had to stay and teach Telassim. Beremiz brings up a problem having to do with pearls.
SOLVED: Beremiz once again answers the question perfectly
GIFT: They end up going to India
*Chapter 24*
Nothing really happened in this chapter except, Beremiz gets threatened by Tara Tin
*Chapter 25*
The Questions Commence
PROBLEM: Beremiz was going to have to compete with seven mathematicians.
Solved: There is no big solution in this book
GIFT: Beremiz gets his ring back and a rug.
*Chapter 26*
One For the Book
PROBLEM: Beremiz starts to get questioned by his opponents. He tells him to give them a answer without hesitation, fifteen numerical references from the Koran, The book of Allah. And among those examples he must include: The number of chapters in the Koran, The exact number of verses, The number of words, The number of letters in the Holy Book, and the exact number of prophets mentioned in its pages, AND he must make ten more answers that have to do with numbers.
SOLVED: the first challenge went really well.
*Chapter 27*
History in the making
PROBLEM: The second man gets to question Beremiz his question is about the history of math, it is: What was the name of the famous geometer who committed suicide because he could not see the sky.
SLOVED: Beremiz answers the question, which is Erasosthenes.
*Chapter 28*False Hopes
PROBLEM: The third man asks the question: Is it possible in math to arrive at a false rule from true facts?
SOLVED: What a big surprise, Beremiz answers the question with no problem giving examples.
*Chapter 29*
Single-Handed Success
PROBLEM: The fourth man tells a story about filling up a room with something and when he is done he asks Beremiz the question: which is the famous act of multiplication, which all historians mention and all men of culture know well, which uses only one factor.
SLOVED: Beremiz answers the question saying that the answer is the multiplication of loaves and fishes performed by Jesus, in his multiplication he used only one factor that is: The miraculous power of the will of God.
*Chapter 30*
Three of a kind
PROBLEM: the fifth man asks Beremiz to tell a story in which should appear a division of three by two that is carried out but leaves no remainder.
SOLVED: Beremiz tells a story about a lion, tiger, and a jackal. The tiger suggest how to divide three by three. The jackal proposes the division of three by two, but they both end up dead.
*Chapter 31*
In black and white
PROBLEM: the sixth man tells a story of the three suitors of Dahize that Beremiz must solve.
SOLVED: Beremiz answers the question perfectly.
*Chapter 32*
A Balancing Act
PROBLEM: the 7th and final man tells the problem of the lightest pearl.
SOLVED: Beremiz answers the problem nicely
*Chapter 33*
Eye to Eye
PROBLEM: Beremiz turns down all the riches and gold offered to him for answering all the questions correctly and instead wants to marry Telassim, but to do so he must answer one question and if he gets it wrong he must forget about the girl and get no money. The problem is he must question 5 slaves, 2 with black eyes ( they do not tell lies) and 3 with blue eyes (they are born liars) their face are covered and he must determine which ones have blue eyes and which ones have black.
SOLVED: Beremiz questioned the girls and found out who had what colored eyes.
GIFT: He could now marry Telassim.
*Chapter 34*
Of life and LoveThe last chapter just tells about the future and what happens. In the end the man who counted married Telassim and has 3 sons.