The Dignified Professor, Richard Feynman a notable XXXXXX. He was born in New York City on May 11, 1918. His education journey includes studies of Physics at well – distinguished universities, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Princeton University. As a doctoral graduate, he was privileged to work on atomic bomb projects at Princeton and a secret government location in Los Alamos, New Mexico. As a young adult, his leadership abilities were evident positioning him to manage a group of scientist. Their work contributed to massive amounts of calculations needed for the atomic bomb.
Concluding work on the nuclear bomb, he starting teaching at Cornell University from 1945 to 1950. In 1950 he took an opportunity to teacher theoretical …show more content…
His everyday teaching came through his preparation process to teach other and experiences throughout his life personal and creation related. He found pleasure and intellectual challenge in mathematical methods of physic, working figuring out what methods were useful and which ones were not. Feynman was known for accomplishing what very few scientists could, taking a complex mathematical problem and adding ease to the explanation of a basic model (Citation XXXXX).
Similarities/Differences of this creator and myself:
Richard was known for his unique demeanor and incredible intellect around mathematics and physics. His curious and teaching kept him relevant and charged to create even more. Education and Discovery were his drivers. Theory’s and proven methods did not stop him from challenging them at a greater level.
Like Richard, there is a core driver that keeps me motivate to share wisdom with others. Vast life experiences that allow me to see things beyond my life. I’ve found when my day or life is routine; I’m not as fresh with creating new ideas. I find my mentoring of other can become rather restrictive and limiting. I don’t feel connected with some of the topics or questions. There is an alive feeling that I get from digging deeper into situation or