The everyday struggle that Pi goes through to survive on the lifeboat is reliant on Pi's carefulness. In order to fish, get water and survive. He must think before he does anything. When he gets water and food he must be strategic of their use because Pi is also keeping Richard Parker alive and must share. Pi is afraid that if he does focus on Richard Parkers needs Richard Parker may hurt him or even eat him. Pi talks about how different species learn to live together, while giving them human attributions to explain this veiw zoomorphism. This is how Pi understands his situation on the lifeboat. pi must always be on his toes.
The relationship Pi shares with Richard Parker is based on fear. Their relationship is a must for Pi in his state of loneliness. Pi must keep Richard Parker fed and watered so that Richard Parker does not eat him instead. Having to …show more content…
take care of Richard Parker makes Pi stronger and more able to fight for survival of himself as well as keeps his mind busy and thinking and distracted from the fact that he is alone at sea. Any relationship is better than nothing.
Pi Patel is a follower of not one, not two but three religions.
These religions give him strength to keep himself and Richard Parker alive. Pi made Richard Parker into his own religious allegory. Pi built his day around Richard Parkers’ needs, which then caused Pi to not dwell on the fact that his situation was next to impossible. Every problem Pi faced he faced with Richard Parker, that is why when Pi pray he prays for his survival as well as Richard Parkers survival. “It was Richard Parker who calmed me down. It is the irony of this story that the one who scared me witless to start with was the very same who brought me peace, purpose, I dare say even wholeness.” The thought of Richard Parker is what kept Pi striving for
Having Richard Parker present throughout the ordeal at sea, is a very crucial for Pi to survive. Having Richard Parker there even though he is a mental thought, he keep Pi prepared for anything to come and thinking of future issues to come. Having a relationship is also a key for Pi so he isn’t so secluded and far away from human life. Richard gives him the spiritual connection that Pi needs in order to relate to his life back in India.