delusions and psychopathic personality compounded with a violent upbringing, and biological abnormalities played a major role in transforming Richard into the "Night Stalker".
Ricardo Ramirez was born on February 29, 1960 in El Paso, Texas. Richard was the fifth and last child of Julian and Mercedes Ramirez, Mexican immigrants; they had three sons, Ruben, Joseph, Robert and a daughter Ruth. Father, Julian was a Policeman in Mexico and when he moved his family to El Paso he became a railway worker. The railway job took him out of town days at a time to work on tracks. When he was home even though he was normally easygoing when angered he was extremely violent to himself and the children. Julian himself was a victim of child abuse who experienced extreme beatings from his father and grandfather. Mother, Mercedes came from a religious family she was a devout catholic and tried to instill the same values onto her children by bringing them to church regularly on Sundays. Mercedes worked in a boot factory mixing toxic chemicals for painting boots. She worked at the boot factory while pregnant with Richard but left a month before his birth The chemicals were too strong and made her extremely ill. Her hours also kept her from home so the children were looked after by several different babysitters. A lot of times the children were unsupervised.
According to family and friends Richard was an outgoing boy who was doted after by his older sister Ruth. He loved to make his peers laugh and was a fun loving child. He also loved listening to music and dancing with his mother. He loved watching television and was always the first child up he loved horror shows. During elementary school Richard had no known behavioral problems and earned good grades. There were two head injuries at age five where he was knocked unconscious which doctors stated caused his epilepsy later on as a child. He had his first seizure in fifth grade and subsequently he suffered from one to two dozen petite mal seizures every month along with a few grand mal seizures until he entered his teens. Later he was diagnosed with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. His biggest disappointment was being thrown off the football team because of his seizures. Due to the epilepsy he also suffered from recurring vivid dreams where monsters were chasing him and once at seven had visions of monsters running around in his yard. Also, at around seven years old he witnessed his brothers being molested by a Teacher who used to help them with schoolwork Richard stated he doesn't remember if he was molested. At around the same time he stated that he saw a man sodomize a young boy with a candle and he ran from fright.
Due to the lack of parental supervision the Ramirez children started experimenting with marijuana and sniffing glue, Richard being the youngest (11 years old) he followed the behavior of his siblings. Richard started losing interest in school and started spending a lot of time with his Cousin Mike who just came home from Vietnam he was an honored Green Beret. He taught Richard stealth war tactics, how to use weapons, how to fight and even showed him photos of gruesome murders and rapes he had done in Vietnam. One photo was of a young woman decapitated tied to a tree.
Richard became fascinated by his cousin and spent the majority of his time with him smoking marijuana and discussing violent sex and murder. During that time Richard witnessed his cousin murder his wife over an argument she was shot once in the head. His cousin was found criminally insane and was placed in a psychiatric facility and was sentenced seven years for the murder. While his cousin was away, Richard at 12 years old roamed the streets and became a peeping Tom. He regularly slept in the cemetery to get away from his father's aggressive behavior as well as beginning to pray to Satan. He began stealing and breaking into peoples homes, had failing grades and drug use escalated. At 15 years old his interest in Satanism, fantasies of rape and murder intensified. Friends noticed a drastic change in High School; he looked unkempt, and always dressed in black. Richard was no longer the outgoing fun loving kid they remembered.
Richard left high school and acquired a job at the Holiday Inn he possessed a master key and would hide in rooms and peep on women undressing. One particular woman caught his eye and he tried to rape her, her husband caught Richard and beat him. Richard was never charged since the couple lived out of town and just wanted to put the incident behind them. His criminal record began in 1977, when he was placed in juvenile detention for a string of petty crimes. In 1982 he received probation for marijuana possession. Later in 1982 he decided to move to Los Angeles and in 1983 he was arrested for car theft and spent 6-months in jail. After his release his drug use escalated to cocaine and began purchasing weapons. He continued burglarizing for his addiction. While in Los Angeles he became a loner he had no known friendships or relationships. His sister visited several times and tried to persuade him to come home but without prevail Richard remained. He rented a small room ironically a quarter mile away from police headquarters. At times he would spend all day and night watching MTV, pornography and get high on cocaine.
Richard committed his first murder on July 24, 1984 the victim was 79-year old Jean Vicow, he entered through an opened window and stabbed her to death. A fingerprint was found but since Los Angeles did not have there computer database up and running it would be possible to ID a suspect through 6-million paper copies of prints. The second victim was not until March 17, 1985, 21-year old; Marie Hernandez was driving home on the freeway and caught the eye of Richard. He ended up following her home and entered through the garage. Marie was shot and survived the bullet deflected off her key chain. Her roommate, 34-year old, Dayle Okazaki was shot to death. Marie was able to give a detailed description of the suspect, a tall, thin, Hispanic male with and bad teeth the first composite drawing was done and sent to the media.
Richard continued his spree of murder, sodomy, burglary, rape, sexual assault and attempted murder through the months to follow growing increasingly sadistic. A footprint was found in the dirt and was matched to one person in the Los Angeles area, Richard Ramirez, but authorities were unable to id the purchaser since the shoes were bought with cash and the store owner had no recollection. One victim included a 6-year girl who was raped and a 16-year old girl who was beaten with tire iron in the middle of the night and survived. He had allegedly forced one surviving victim to swear allegiance to Satan as he assaulted her and shot her husband. This turned out to be the blueprint for the killings that Richard Ramirez was going to continue to commit; get the man out of the way quickly, so that the woman, the real prize, could be enjoyed in what ever way Ramirez wanted at the time. Ramirez after one murder sat down and ate a melon before leaving. At times he would pray to Satan before entering the homes. "By all that is evil, I your humble servant, invoke Satan to be here and accept this offering". Richard has stated "It's like nothing else; you can't explain its intensity in words. To have that power over life nothing is more sexually exciting; it's the ultimate, something very few people experience."(Carlo, 1996).
Since Richard Ramirez's case was so complex there are many environmental, biological, behavioral and psychological theories that may explain Richard Ramirez Also, one psychologist Rex Beaber stated that Richard being subjected to such violent and sexual behavior as a child especially during the crucial time of "imprinting" he fused sex with violence together. Richard showed signs of Anti-Social Personality disorder: A disorder characterized by a history of continuous behavior in which the rights of others are violated (Bartol, 2005). His crimes suggest that Richard can be classified as a Psychopath: An individual who demonstrates a distinct behavioral pattern that differs from that of the general population in its level of sensitivity, empathy, compassion and guilt. Many killers especially Psychopaths feel extraordinary when there crimes become publicized (Bartol, 2005). Richard's sexual sadistic murders may also label him as a Sexual Sadist: Sexual sadism is a persistent pattern of becoming sexually excited in response to another's suffering. (Bartol, 2005) Isolated from others, many sexual sadists compensate by living in a fantasy world where they can control and dominate others. "Eventually, homicidal sexual sadists may feel compelled to act out their cruel fantasies, subjugating their victims into objects for their own pleasure. Based on many studies conducted over the last thirty years, many experts believe that "fantasy drives murder," and after the initial crime has been committed, the offender will retreat even further into an extensive fantasy realm where he can exert control over the situation." (Ressler et al., 1988) Richard believed that he was a disciple of Satan and he was the lone instrument of Satan and would get protection from Satan; these fantasies can be explained by Delusional Disorder - Grandiose Type: An individual exaggerates his or her sense of self-importance and is convinced that he or she has special powers, talents, or abilities. Sometimes, the individual may actually believe that he or she is a famous person (for example, a rock star or Christ). More commonly, a person with this delusion believes he or she has accomplished some great achievement for which they have not received sufficient recognition (Bartol, 2005) Also Richard was diagnosed with. Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: There is evidence from research that temporal lobe abnormalities may be implicated in sexual sadism along with aggressiveness of an explosive nature, impulsivity and moodiness. There is also evidence that suggests that patients with temporal lobe epilepsy have a high incidence of seemingly psychopathic behavior. Removal of the dysfunctional anterior temporal lobe in these epilepsy patients appears to reduce hostility, increase warmth and empathy in social relationships, and decrease inappropriate sexual behavior (Kiehl et al, 2006). Also, his mother's profession may have placed him at risk since being exposed to toxic chemicals during pregnancy suggests that heightened aggressive behavior is evident and elevated toxin levels have been apparent in violent offenders compared with those who are not violent. Irritability, aggression, learning disabilities and behavior disorders occur at alarming rates and may be related to chemical exposure during pregnancy, as well as after birth. (Needleman et al, 1996).
Even though authorities had sufficient evidence there was animosity among jurisdictions releasing all information to Frank Salerno, the lead detective on the case in Los Angeles.
Also the Mayor of San Francisco on August 18, 2006 released crucial evidence from the case to the media. Richard heard the news and while in San Francisco threw his shoes and gun off the Golden Gate Bridge. Police finally caught the break they needed when a teenager recognized Richard on 8/24/85 after he left his last victims home. The teenager supplied a license plate number and authorities located the abandoned car and found another set of finger prints. Los Angeles' finger print data base was finally up and running and they were able to ID the suspect as 25-year old Richard Ramirez from his previous arrest in 1983. They released the information all over the papers and news. Richard had no idea of the current situation since he had taken a bus right after the last murder to see his brother in Arizona. Police were aware of his trip and were at the bus station on 8/25/85 when Richard was to arrive back in Los Angeles. Richard saw the authorities and was able to flee, he got on a local bus, people recognized him and they were pointing and screaming. Richard got off the next stop and began running and a mob of people were chasing him. At one point Richard tried to remove a woman from a car. Her husband came and started beating Richard with a pipe; ironically the Police actually saved his …show more content…
life. They found in Richard's bag: bullets, a handgun and 375 pieces of Jewelry he had stolen from victims, also authorities were stunned to realize that he actual rented a room a quarter mile from police headquarters.
Trial began 1/30/89, there were extensive delays due to Richard's dislike to attorneys and problems with agreement on setting a trial date.
During victim testimony and throughout the trial Richard was seen laughing and giggling as well as sneering at victims. The trail lasted 8-months and included at least four hundred exhibits as evidence, including fingerprints, ballistics evidence, and shoe impressionsone of which had been on the face of one victim. Regardless of the crimes Richard had a fan base of all women. Ramirez had referred to himself as a "super criminal," claiming he loved to kill and had murdered twenty people. I love all that blood". (Carlo, 1996). On 9/30/89 Richard Ramirez was found guilty of 67 felonies which included 14 murders, sodomy, rape, sexual assault, burglary, attempted murder. The defense team asked Ramirez to assist with the penalty phase, because he surely would be condemned to death. "Dying doesn't scare me," he responded. "I'll be in hell. With Satan." He told his lawyers that he would not beg. On October 3, 1989 It only took the jury 4 days to decide he would be put to death his female groupies were crying. On November 9, 1989 he was officially sentenced to death nineteen times. Richard's statement to the court: "It's nothing you'd understand, but I do have something to say. In fact, I have a lot to say, but now is not the time or place. I don't know why I'm wasting my time or breath. But what the hell? As for what is said of my
life, there have been lies in the past and there will be lies in the future. I don't believe in the hypocritical, moralistic dogma of this so-called civilized society. I need not look beyond this room to see all the liars, hater, the killers, the crooks, the paranoid cowards--truly trematodes of the Earth, each one in his own legal profession. You maggots make me sick-- hypocrites one and all. And no one knows that better than those who kill for policy, clandestinely or openly, as do the governments of the world, which kill in the name of God and country or for whatever reason the deem appropriate. I don't need to hear all of society's rationalizations, I've heard them all before and the fact remains that what is, is. You don't understand me. You are not expected to. You are not capable of it. I am beyond your experience. I am beyond good and evil, Legions of the night--night breed--repeat not the errors of the Night Prowler and show no mercy. I will be avenged. Lucifer dwells within us all. That's it"
Bartol, C.R. & Bartol, A.M. (2005). Criminal Behavior: A Psychological Approach (7th ed.).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
Bates, A.T., Hare, R.D., Kiehl, K.A., Laurens, K.R. & Liddle, P.F. (2006). Brain Potentials Implicate Temporal Lobe Abnormalities in Criminal Psychopaths. Journal of Abnormal Psychology,115, 443-453 Biesecker, G.E, Greenhouse J.B., Needleman, H.L., Riess, J.A. & Tobin, M.J. (1996). Bone lead levels and delinquent behavior. The Journal of American Medical Association, 275,
Carlo, P. (1996). The Night Stalker. New York, NY: Pinnacle Books
Ressler, R.K., Burgess, A.W. & Douglas J.E. (1988). Sexual Homicide: Patterns and Motives.
New York: Lexington Books