In the editorial, the author clearly establishes his/her context within the first few paragraphs. Arguing against anti-abortion campaigns, the author begins by briefly explaining the opposing argument. For example, Rick Perry’s comment “we will continue to pass laws to ensure that abortions are as rare as possible under the existing law” is mentioned. Not only does the citation of the evidence help improve the article’s perceived validity, but shines a harsh light and tone around the anti-abortion campaign. The author then presents his/her ideas on the subject matter and provides logical evidence. The majority of the argument was based upon logic, appealing to the logos, improving credibility. The author argues “women will be forced to wait until later in their pregnancies, when there is a higher risk of …show more content…
Personally, I think that any form of abortion is tantamount to murder, and should never be permitted. This article only brings to my attention that women who wish to have abortions are only concerned for themselves, as the argument is based upon the health of the woman. Although the author’s argument may be valid concerning some facets of the issue, I believe the focus of the subject should shift from the mother to the living creature inside and its right to