Ti bassít a káyo nalaká a lintegén, ngem no dakkél narigáten.
A young tree is easy to straighten, but when it's big it is difficult.
Ti táo nga mannaríta, awán ti ania nga magapuánanna.
A man that talks too much accomplishes little.
Mabiág ti kalkalsáda, matáy ti koskosína.
Captivating in the street, dead in the kitchen (lady who dresses beyond her means)
Ti napudpudno a gayyémmo, am-ammontó no addáka ití pelígro.
A true friend is known in time of need.
Tay áso nga taol nga taol saán a makakagát ken makadunor.
Barking dogs seldom bite.
Awán kas iti sursúro a sanikuá, ta daytá awán makatákaw kenká.
Knowledge is wealth that can't be stolen.
No trabáho, gulpién, no kanén, in-inúten.
If it's work, do it fast. If it's food, eat it little by little.
Ti táo a manákem, dína makíta ti panagdissó ti sakána ití dagá.
Kitáenna ketdi ti sumarunó a baddekánna.
A wise man doesn't see his foot on the ground, he watches his next step.
Ti nalaká ti pannakasápulna, nalaká met ti pannakapúkawna.
What is easily acquired is easily lost.
Ti kukuá masapúlan ngem ti pintas saán.
Wealth can be acquired but beauty cannot.
Ti agkuták, isú't nagitlóg.
He who cackles laid the egg (he who talks first is the guilty party).
Uray kukuá a tawíden, no addá la ket naimbág a nákem.
One need not inherit wealth if he inherits good manners.
No addá sabsábong, agaarák dagití kulibangbáng.
Where there are flowers there are butterflies (young women attract young men)
Kugtár ni kabaián, ilot ni kalantangan.
The kick of a female carabao, the massage of the male. (women can't hurt men physically)
Puráwto ti wáken, nangísittó diay kannawyen.
The crow will turn white and the heron black (said to express impossibility)
Aniánto pay serbí diay rúot no natáyto met diay kabálion?
Of what use is grass when the horse is dead? (said to misers)
Ti kamátis, di