It is the eighteenth century grandma! Yes we have roads and canals for transport but the “Rocket” is faster.The “Rocket” is a great way for transport. It is on an industrial rail line that’s not going anywhere but where we want it to. It pulls ten tons of ore. It can also pull seventy people at five miles per hour all at the same time. If there was anything wrong with it then so what. I would rather risk my life than saying I never tried riding the “Rocket”. How cool does that sound!
Not only is the “Rocket” amazing but we can travel way faster. At sixteen miles per hour it would take two hours to get from Liverpool to Manchester. We could travel around the world faster than in an old rusty wooden ship. Being out in the open sea seems scarier than traveling on stable land. This locomotive is more safe than riding on a horse. On a horse you never know when they are going to buck and …show more content…
Look at all the positives. Food is being transported to needed places faster than ever before and more efficiently. The fruit is not getting old and rotting when being transported from one place to another. Goods on a ship tend to rot after a while. It makes life much easier for all of us. No more really long waits in the cold, the waiting will be shorter. If everyone is afraid of riding this new locomotive then what are we going to accomplish. We should just stop trying to make the world a better place if you think everyone is making a mistake riding the “Rocket”. I don’t think this will kill us grandma.
We have been advancing in new technology that hasn't had major problems. Building these railroads has benefited everyone. We need these new advancements. It has created jobs and really is less expensive transport. It has made goods cheaper to buy even. Cheaper goods created more sales. More sales led to more factories. Grandma wake up this is great for society. It has created good things and not