Right realism reflects criticise other theories for failing to offer any practical solutions to the problem of rising crime. They also regard theories such critical criminology and labelling as too sympathetic to the criminal and too hostile to the forces of law and order. Right realists are less concerned to understand the causes of crime and more concerned to provide what they see as realistic solution. However, although the main emphasis is on practical crime reduction strategies, they do in fact offer an explanation of the causes of crime.…
Functionalist approach towards crime & deviance is seen as a top down approach as it looks at society as a whole, stating that criminal behaviour is caused by society itself except from being caused through an individual’s biology & psychology. Durkheim sees deviance as inevitable also being necessary for our society, however other perspectives such as Marxist & Feminist may state otherwise.…
Ron Clark describes situational crime prevention as ‘a pre-emptive approach that relies, not on improving society or its institutions, but simple on reducing opportunities for crime’. He identifies three features of measures aimed at situational crime prevention, firstly that they are directed at specific crimes, that they involve managing or altering the immediate environment of the crime and lastly that they aim at increasing the effort and risks of committing crime and reducing the rewards. For example, ‘target hardening’ measures such as increased surveillance in shops via CCTV or security guards increases the effort a shoplifter needs to make. Underlying situation crime prevention approaches is an rational choice theory. This is the view that criminals act rationally, weighing up the costs and benefits of a crime opportunity before deciding whether to commit it. This contrasts with theories that stress ‘root causes’ such as capitalist exploitation. Clarke argues that most theories offer no realistic solutions to crime. The most obvious things to do, he argues, is to focus on the immediate crime situation, since this is where possibility for prevention is greatest. Most crime is opportunistic, so we need to reduce the opportunities.…
Left and right realism; Left realism demonstrated by Lea and Young who have a marxist approach suggesting crime is a result of a capitalist society and criminals should be seen as a victim of crime they have three main points to explain this view, relative deprivation where people look at people who lead more affluent life styles and compare themselves to making them feel poor when they are not. Marginalisation which suggests that certain areas of the population are more likely to suffer from economic, social and political deprivation. Finally is subcultures which are formed by people suffering from relative deprivation and marginal. Whereas right realism suggests that if one member of a subculture show signs as deviant behaviour then it is likely that you will find others who also act deviantly because the right realism theorists believe that no one is born with deviant behaviour but learns in through primary socialisation with people who share their…
Left Realist Criminology are from Critical Criminology as a reaction against perceived to be the Left's failure in everyday crime. The central tenet of lest reaslim is to reflect the reality of crime, that is in its origins, its nature and its impact Left Realism argues that crime affects working class people, but that solutions that only increase repression to make the crime problem worse. However they argue that the causes of crime in relative deprivation, although preventative measures and policing are necessary, but these should be democratically controlled. As the left realism have two view on crime in theoretical and political which are: Theoretical: 'The basic triangle of relations which is the proper subject-matter of criminology are…
This law that reflects the interest of the ruling-class society enhances the principles of capitalism, which Chambliss (1976) argues has bred a nature within the people that consist of greed, self-interest and hostility. This, Chambliss argues, is what essentially motivates crime and deviance at all levels of society. Gordon (1976) supports this by arguing that crime is a ‘rational’ response to a ‘dog-eat-dog’ society where selfishness and competition is more profound as opposed to public duty and collective wellbeing.…
The right realist approach assumes that human beings are naturally selfish, individualistic and greedy. Therefore ther are 'naturally inclined' to further their interest, even if this means comitting crime. They also believe the origins of crime are misunderstood, that is policies aimed at tackling crime by removing social and economic inequalities. Wilson noted that the Great Depression in the USA did not result in a rise in crime. Another right realist explanation is that the welfare state has undermined our sense of obligation to support each other, andthat community controls, i.e. informal controls imposed by neighbours, family and peer groups are breaking down.…
On the other hand, Functionalists may argue that crime is not caused by material deprivation but by poor socialisation. The new right is particularly damning in its evaluation of this particular Marxists idea, saying crime stems from the welfare state and permissiveness.…
9. Rock, P. (2007), ‘Sociological theories of crime’ in Maguire, M., Morgan, R. and Reiner R. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (4th edition), OUP…
Crime theories can vary greatly. A lot of people think that poverty or social status is a major factor on criminal behavior. Others believe that is embedded in human beings to be born with evil therefore we are attracted to crime. Bottom line is deterrence cannot be achieved unless the underlining cause for criminal behavior is found.…
Positivists believe that the official crime statistics (OSC) tell us about the crime & criminality and are very valuable. However, Intrepretivists would disagree and would criticise the OCS as they are socially constructed. They argue that the OCS lack reliability and therefore validity because it tells us more about the people involved in their collection eg, the general public, the victims of crime, the mass media, the police and the courts. The OCS tells us more about police stereotypes and prejudices, judges and jurors, the role of the media, and their views than about actual crime and criminality. Also, Marxists disagree with the OCS as they tell us more about the ruling classes and the powerful controllers of society.…
The aim of this essay is to compare, contrast and evaluate two sociological theories of crime causation and two psychological theories of crime causation.…
Critically evaluate the claim that it is social controls that prevent us all from committing crime.…
Criminal statistics are usually quoted as 'hard facts'; are often used to support the view that there is a rapidly increasing rate of serious crime in modern society. It is on the basis of these statistics that important decisions are made by governments in relation to their policies towards crime and its treatment. However the positivistic reliance on such statistics as the basis of their sociology has been brought into question by constructivist approaches - interpretive sociology and critical sociology both of which refuse to take the statistics at face value. The former raised questions about the scientific claims of positivism; demonstrated that the…
Bright, J. (1991) ‘Crime Prevention: The British Experience’ in Stenson, K. & Cowell, D. (ed) The Politics of Crime Control. London: Sage Publications.…